13 and 24 B-Flat The Plutocracy is Insane Blues!

in #music6 years ago (edited)

Hey, there Steemit music and truth lovers...I get to blend my two main interests in this blog again: music and philosophy! Now don’t ya be listening to K-Pop like starz @ award shows making speeches about society--they are pawns and controlled opposition. You need to go to the streets to get the honest goods:)

The War on Terror has morphed into a war on all those who correctly reject the bullshit official narrative about 911 with its unending imperialist wars promulgated by the world's lamestream media who endlessly shill for the elite military-industrial complex along with  the worlds hackademies who send out propagandists like Jordan Peterson whose job it is to protect the billionaire oligarchs who are raping and pillaging the earth and its people at an unprecedented rate via unearned and unmerited wealth...

So how do the good Hobbits of the earth stop this? There is only one way: change dramatically the political system which is the only means of redress for the people. 1) End life long bureaucratic career's within politics via seven-year and you're out forever of the public service sphere and transfer back into 'real life work'...2) automatic removal from office for breaking ANY election promise. THAT'S IT!!! It's this simple folk's and this would work if we could pull it off. The alternative is life long debt slavery to the oligarchic plutocracy with its mafia ethos and it's likely only they will survive our coming environmental nightmares brought on by their economic policies, greed, and arrogance. 

And no, complexity cannot and never should be an excuse for abandoning common sense, decency, and sound logic-- something which is found in the economic philosophies of Henry George!


Simone was my kind of girl: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_Weil#Mysticism_in_Gravity_and_Grace
Hey, an open invitation to any Jewish people who've come to the conclusion that the Torah God is real, and is at best a gatekeeper, and not to be worshipped as the one true God, or at worst is evil.
I'm thinking of starting what I call the worlds first honest church! Perhaps you'd be interested?
Oh, please have ALL your faculties of reason and logic intact​ and in good working order:)

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