The history of Johannes Chrysostomos Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.

in #music6 years ago

Hello Steemers, today I am going to tell you the true history of Mozart.


Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, his full name was: Johannes Chrysostomos Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, his father Leopold Mozart and his mother Anna Maria Pertl, had 7 children but only survived Nannerl (4 years older than Mozart) and little Wolfgang.


Leopoldo was a musician of the court and as soon as his last son was born he dedicated himself to teaching music to him and Nannerl, at that time he realized that his two sons were extremely talented, imagine that Mozart at age 4 already played the piano perfectly . Her sister Nannerl, although she was equal in ability, was never able to write or compose music due to her condition as a woman, so she spent her days giving piano lessons (to girls).


Leopoldo was fascinated with the abilities of his children so he took them to the court of Vienna to present them to the emperor, the children were a sensation and after receiving a payment of 100 ducats, Leopoldo took his sons on tour in July 1863 to England, Germany, and France, Leopoldo spent the time promoting his son to the one he sold as a child prodigy, they went from court to court earning more and more money, but suddenly his children fell ill, this because of the strenuous tours and the cold weather, Leopoldo did not let them rest, at age 8 and with the help of his father, the little Mozart began to write increasingly complicated works from small sonatas to his first symphonies.

In fact, 33 of 68 symphonies were written between 6 and 19 years old.
However, it was useless to triumph in Austria if it did not triumph in the epicenter of the music of the time, Italy.

I will remember this when I have a child and I come home from school with a bean in cotton and alcohol and want to impress me.

I will say: "Mozart composed his first oratorio at age 6, take your bean from here".

Leopold wanted to take his son to go through that trial of fire (and charge) and on Easter Sunday in 1770 the fame of the young Mozart led him to receive an invitation from Pope Clement XIV to play in front of him.

The maximum pontiff was delighted and granted him recognition.

At the age of 14 he premiered his opera Mitridates Rey del Ponto in Milan but his youth played against him, there were many detractors who said it was a German barbaric composition, despite that little by little he ended up winning the critics until they admitted the talent of the young man At age 15, his native Salzburg named him concert director.

But he considered that his ingenuity did not deserve such a small city, and he wanted to find some court that would receive him, his father was not going to allow him to lose his source of income.

Leopold sent his wife to take care of Mozart during a tour and on a scale at his uncle's house he met his cousin Maria Anna Thekla Mozart and both started a romantic relationship, though through letters (these letters survived our time). But Mozart met another young woman during the trip, she was Aloysia Weber, and fell madly in love with her. He even wanted to get married but his father recommended he not marry because a woman would be a burden to him

Mozart told him to leave him alone (but he did not marry)


During the tour her mother became ill but refused to be seen by French doctors and that decision was fatal, she died.

Mozart was devastated he got depressed, he did not see any case to continue living, full of sadness he wrote to his father looking for consolation and he lovingly told him that the guilt of the death of his mother, was of Mozart himself for selfish.

That if the Parisians hated his music was not as uncultured as Mozart said, but that his tastes were different and that he would better change his way of writing and think about pleasing his audience and not him.

He decided to go back but first he went to visit the woman he loved: Aloysia Weber, but she ignored him and so, depressed by the death of his mother, he rejected Aloysia, the insensibility of his father and the little recognition he thought he received, He returned to Salzburg.


He was 24 years old he was more frustrated and miserable than ever, he was also close to his father who already saw how loving he was, and to top it off he worked for the royal archbishop Colloredo, a man who did not appreciate art and treated Mozart as a servant .


Mozart left for Vienna on the orders of the archbishop but on arrival he ordered him to return to Salzburg, furiously argued with him and then with the cleric's representative, the discussion ended when the representative kicked Mozart in the ass. (Literal kicked it).
Mozart left to look for his beloved Aloysia but she was already married, so she again rejected Mozart.

However, she introduced her younger sister and Mozart and the youngest of the Weber (Constanza) began a romance that ended in marriage.

His father was furious about the wedding, the couple soon had a son.

Mozart was Salzburg presenting Constance to Leopold and his sister, but both received them coldly. While there they received a terrible letter from the nurse who was taking care of her son, Mozart's son had died, death again lurked the composer and was devastated, took refuge in music and when he returned to Vienna he became a star It was a demanding city and Mozart was the most famous artist, his piano concerts made him earn a lot of money

But that success was not worth to enter the court of the emperor who addressed Mozart with a refusal arguing that his music was very complicated, his revenge would come through music, in "The Marriage of Figaro", a book of the time who spoke of a commoner, a barber of the court who played a joke on a count as a revenge, Mozart musicized the work, in an excellent way, the work was successful in Vienna but when he presented it in Prague the city only spoke of the work was a success as Mozart had never seen before.


Due to this great success, the emperor awarded him the title of composer of camera, but never commissioned a job, that same year, a young black man who was 16 years old approached Mozart to meet him and show his talents, Mozart He heard the piano and said "You're good but very cold, try to improvise a bit more", then left the room and told his friends, that young man will get very far, and he was right.

The young man was Beethoven.


Mozart learned that his father was seriously ill but did not want to return to Salzburg, however the death of his father affected him deeply, he tried to take refuge in music and wrote his great opera Don Giovanni, the work of the famous seducer Don Juan.

He wrote more than 600 pieces of music, and most did not even check or make corrections, worked tirelessly, woke up early and slept very late. He worked so hard that his fingers began to deform.


At this time there is something very strange that baffles the experts, they have found letters addressed to friends desperately asking for money, but that is absurd because it earned quite well, some say he squandered the money and others who had multiple lovers.


Wolfgang after the death of the emperor went to find the new monarch to ask for the position of chapel master, but he preferred to give it to an Italian master named "Antonio Salieri", his greatest enemy and detractor (for many)


Salieri would be master of Beethoven and their rivalry would be so great that many think that Salieri killed him (although in reality there is no hard evidence of it) the story of that rivalry will soon be told in a post.

But let's go to the end of the story.


In 1791 Mozart arrived at his house and there a mysterious hooded man entrusted him with a job.

Mozart was saturated with work, rejected the mysterious man until he found out what was the order, the order is the most mysterious that would work and now you will see why.

To begin with, he accepted because the work would be about death. Mozart felt that death haunted him for years.


The work was a Requiem, (requiem in Latin is rest) which is a mass of rest in honor of the dead when the mysterious man returned to request the musical piece, Mozart had done nothing, from there he became obsessed with finishing it.

Mozart fell seriously ill, claimed that someone had poisoned him, and then discovered it, the mysterious man was himself already dead, or the death itself that warned him that his time was ending, so Mozart thought that the requiem would be for him same.

He died as he lived, working until he could no longer, his disciple Franz Xaver Süssmayr helped him finish the requiem by following his instructions
As predicted by Mozart, death lurked and took him on December 5, 1791


Later it was learned that the hooded was an envoy of Count Franz Von Walsegg who wanted the requiem for his deceased wife (the hooded man hid his identity because he wanted to steal the authorship of the requiem but that's another story), the sad thing is that Mozart died 35 years old, he never stopped to enjoy the way, he only focused on the end.

Let's learn from that, work, dream, but also live the moment, do not be afraid to take risks because life is now and there are moments and opportunities that never come back

The end.


What an indepth biography of Mozart.
@albertocotua this is a very good article.
I know him to be a melodic man but nothing more.
Thanks for the pictures and knowledge.

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