
Can you edit your comments to not spam this post with non relevant stories? Thank you :D (Like just put a :) instead) If you need explanations, we can talk on discord, or make a new thread. =)

sorry but whats his face already made it public bro, i didnt make anything public so sorry i wont cenormyself, when its already out there on the cannasteem on a VERY popular thread i cantseem to reember, but if u can reemmber his name which i cant u an find it

this is the blockchain and if u have nothing to hide u have nothing to fear ;)

and its not spam ;) iits a question, and theres no other place to ask u bro, we dont have "private messages" here on steemit! i kept the GIF train gooing, i thought that was good eough

anyway dont get all mad at me now, just understand that u cant expect someone to "edit their post" to hide some story u dont want getting out haha tahts the whole point of me asking u about it bro! to let u clear the air! thsi doesnt make u look good! makes u seem like u have somthing to hide! just my opinion!
PS: haha inda weird that u would only wwana explain this ondiscord but not in public onthe steem bllockchain

Haha, I agree, it's blockchain anyway, and it was quite fun at the end (Maybe only for me, Because I was indirectly involved in multiple way and cited in many posts, without even knowing what was going on). It's just not the best place to talk about this. (A totally unrelated post) That's why I asked you if you wanted to talk on discord if you wanted to know more about the story. Cheers mate!

You can see my version of the story in his comments. ;)

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