Incarnations of spontaneous life for another planet.

in #mushrooms9 years ago (edited)

Over the last few years my spirituality has grown significantly. One thing that has stood out is self soothing. What people have interpreted as a connection with god over the years can also be called "self soothing". I'm really happy for my growing abilities to self sooth. I've learned a lot about self sufficiency from my husband while we were living in Shanghai. I also studied mediation and yoga. Now that we are back in the USA I'm a able to put things to use such as exercising, meditating , eating right in a more comfortable environment. Self soothing really helps my happiness and a felling of connection to the earth and universe.

Even though I have this understanding now that having a healthy relationship with with your self (feel free to refer to your self as Jesus or Mary if it feels right) is key to happiness and success . I still believe that at particular times of purity or toxicity we get a huge dose of crystalline (Christ) energy when we really need it.

I enjoyed a lot of moments of peace in Shanghai. One was when I prayed for my family members at a rainbow statue of falling pillow. Praying at the statue I was very grateful for all the sleep I had over that year in China I didn't work full time. I was completely filled to the brim with Crystalline energy and the only thing I can do is over flow with golden light from either my heart or the top of my head all while being refueled with more golden Christalline showers. This finally occurred to me after my one year anniversary wedding. The wedding my husbands family threw for us really had us emotionally and spiritually over flowing with happiness, goodness and love.

Jesus was a mushroom by John M Allegro a video I found watching YouTube inspired me to believe that Jesus , the stories told about him and the people writing them all have a lot to do with mushrooms.


Jesus was sent from heaven. Making him an alien. He also was spontaneously incarnated on our planet. Just like all of life and us fellow humans who happen to be just like Jesus. Maybe if we all ate more mushrooms (which I've come to believe are very close to humans in shape and texture.) We would all be seeing and doing things majestically on a higher level.

Now some of these beliefs I'm sharing really do come from my own actually experiences taking mushrooms. Although when I ate a mushroom once I didn't see what we call Jesus I saw a deity the looked a lot more like Avalokiteshuara or Shiva maybe. The thing is I hadn't studied hindu culture much at all at the point in my life so I didn't know what I was seeing. The most I knew about Indo cultures at the time consisted of one trip to a Hari Krishna church my father took my brothers and I to visit once.

After taking the shrooms I say a figure with many arms in the middle of a red , orange fiery circle around the circle what more of the figures only smaller with slight variations. All the figures and arms doing different things is what after more research has lead me to believe it was the commonly known Avalokiteshuara. Before that I has just called it Shiva because of all the fire. At the time of the trip I only knew to exsplaine it as the skinny buddha . In middle school I learned about Buddhism, Taoism, Daoism. And before that as early as elementary school they had begun to teach about Shintoism as well. I had the enough bits and pieces to put it together although I truly believe it was a message from the mushrooms of an image I had never seen before.

The image sent me another message I could interpret only at the time as "stay in Hawaii and get the rest of your family onto the island because the rest of the world will burn due to GMOs." I ended up leaving the island due to needed space from an ex so decided to follow me there after we broke up! (stalker!) So I didn't follow the guidance met my husband and we all haven't burned up yet. perhaps I misinterpreted the message and the message was to go. But interestingly enough for the rest of the night everyone I talked to had the same ideas and worries about GMO's and the uncertainty about what they can do to our eco system.

A main point I'm exspressing with this post is that we are like mushrooms spontaneously incarnating life onto the internet. With each post we make we are another piece of life budding its head out from the ground beneith to tell us something.

I wonder what these mushrooms were trying to tell us.

found while playing pokemon go in the park on the night 17th or morning of 18th maybe 2am. 98% full moon it was bright enough out to play.


I like how you say you may refer to yourself as Christ or Mary. I believe this too. I have done research into the mushroom part of Christ, and have a hard time believing this is all there is to it. I have done mushrooms, many times, and believe in the power of psychedelics, but I think this area is obviously from people looking for connections to mushrooms. I believe if you believe something you see it everywhere. Kinda like quantum energy or fractals, I believe That mushrooms are one way to see Christ (Your inner Light) but not even close to the one right way to look at it. I believe many others feel the same way. Good article, I can tell you are very Knowledgeable in these areas, as I feel I am too. Good luck and Namaste!

I'm also an advocate for sober lifestyle. I agree that eating mushrooms is not the way to find your inner light. What you will find is an illusion of inner light. I have only tried about three times. The second two were very light and mixed with chocolate. From just a few experiences I believe the projection is not of anymore value then say a movie. Its a presentation you can learn from. Its an email from perhaps Divine sure. The emails I've received from the Divine say that I could come back to find them when I'm sober.
If you really need a motivation to get sober and start meditating I think that they can lead you in that direction. I don't think the should be used religiously but perhaps ceremonially when you need a kick in the face.

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