Mushroom Monday: Lion's Mane

#mushroommonday @balticbadger

I went out a short hike in the woods late yesterday afternoon . I came across a Lion's Mane fungi growing on a fallen Beech tree. I was hoping to find Old man of the woods fungi growing but I didn't. I really like finding them because they seem so hard for me to find.
Lion's Mane

Below photo I took last year of an Old Man in the woods fungi.

I also spotted a couple of Indian Cucumber plants growing not to far from the Lion's Mane. Their leaves are very pretty in the late Summer and Fall.


Photos taken by


Wow, really nice specimens and great photography! Glad to see you take part in #mushroommonday!

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Thank You...!!!
I just discovered #mushroommonday
last week I believe it was a post from @sketch.and.jam

Wow that is a nice old man of the woods. So far i haven't found one here yet. They are edible, did you cook it?

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Hello @sketch.and.jam
I didn't harvest it. I thought about it 🙂. It looks far bigger in the photo. If was bigger I most definitely would have taken it back to make cabin..!
It's been a couple of years since I've seen one. I was most pleased to find.

I just reread your reply @sketch.and.jam. I found the Old Man of the woods last year. I didn't eat that either. There was just the one and I was hoping to see more this year where I saw that one.
Nothing yet..🤷‍♀️ but I hope to find.

I might have to go up to wisconsin to find any. They have way more mushrooms than here.

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I also like the photo of 'Indian Cucumber', i didnt know the english title for this (cucumber? indian? strange...). in Russian, this toxic plant is named 'the raven's eye'.

Thank You!!!
Indian Cucumber (Medeola virginian)
Lily family (Liliaceae)
The rhizomes are supposed to be edible... ???
I don't know if the berries are. I've seen no reference indicating they are.
I shall look up 'the raven's eye'.
I wonder if it's the same as what I have or have I misidentified??

ooo, pardon me, I misinformed you.
this is 'a ravens eye'. looks similar :)
but it is a different species!

That's a very interesting wild plant. I don't know if I have them in my area.. I tried looking up raven eye. I'd like to learn about it.

very common in europe where I live.
but better not to get acquainted with it too close, berries are poisonous.

and we dont have Lion Mane where I live, at all... would love to find it one day on a tree trunk, but...

Thank You...!
Good to know if I see a plant with a single berry to be cautious and and avoid.
I'd much rather get acquainted with friendly wild plants.
I dont see Lion's mane often.

What an unusual mushroom is lions mane edible? Does the Indian cucumber taste like cucumber or is it even edible?

Lion's mane is edible and the Indian Cucumbers root/ rhizomes. The root is suppose to have a mild cucumber flavor.

@annephilbrick I do not think we have either but if I find myself lost in the woods of the north I will know I can eat.

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