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RE: Jury Duty

in #murica6 years ago

Interesting, we sort of posted about opposite sides of the same coin. The flip one being that if you are connected, you are practically untouchable.

Whitey Bulger who ran a large criminal empire out of Boston with FBI blessing to help knock out his competition. Sammy the Bull, the hitman who murdered many people but got set up in witness protection for his testimony, only to subsequently run oneof the largest ecstasy rings ever built. The list is long.

O.J. was clear proof that when they wan't you they aren't above helping make you look bad. I don't think he did it, but the cops did so many shady things no reasonable person would convict. I mean, they transferred blood evidence straight to his estate (breaking the chain of evidence rules). They conveniently found a little drop of blood on the outside door (if he did it, the inside of the vehicle would have had blood all over). The cop had a history with him, lied about using the N word. Yeah, lots of shady things went on there.

Sadly, jury nullification seems to be the only tool we have left in this vicious climate of "law and order." Even then it is a worrisome affair when some asshole judge who thinks they are God can decide what the jury is allowed to hear. Got to keep them for profit prison beds full.


Yeah, meanwhile the general population turns on Law & Order: SVU and gets brainwashed into thinking that everyone gets their comeuppance. Ah, the bad guy got caught again! Amazing 100% conviction rates! No innocents go to jail! No such thing as a false confession!

It's embarrassing how easy it is to brainwash the general population.
They want to be brainwashed.
Gotta get those good feels.

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