
In my experience, courts are pretty much organized bullying. The essence of middle school taunting and mockery of social misfits is the core of prosecution and judging.

Further, in criminal trials, the indigent are appointed counsel paid for by the state. These public 'pretenders' (as they are commonly referred to by their victims) tend to be essentially state contractors that derive almost all their income from such appointments, and due to their professional relationships with other state actors, such as prosecution and jurists, are highly compromised in their ability to justly represent their clients.

Basically, the state both attacks and defends it's victims in courts of law, and has very strong motivation to convict. This produces the situation we observe in the data, that conviction rates approach 100%, and at least 25% of convictions are of innocent people based on DNA data which exonerates those convicted of crimes in which such data is applicable.

Almost all convictions presently in the USA result from plea bargains, which aren't based on evidence at all, but on how strongly the state can extort. There are myriad reasons to accept a plea bargain, particularly if one has children, even if one is innocent.


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