Documented Chicago Gang Member

in #murder7 years ago


There is a problem with the use of the label "Documented Gangmember" when it comes to the murder or violence against my street brothers and sisters. The problem is when that term is used, "in my perception" its used to demoralize and demonize the victim, not only in the eyes of the media but also those investigating the crime. It almost sends the message that the individuals deserved what ever wrong doing may have come to them for simply being a "Documented Gangmember" on a piece of paper or in a computer system. The word is used too freely, why not the term "Active Gangmember" if theres tangible evidence of it, for all we know that victim had turned their life around a week, a month, a year, or 5 years ago,and was simply a victim of a random crime, mistaken identity, or wrong place wrong time. Its too many different possibilities for one to be murdered or victimized.


Those who have truly changed but still have that label should not be showcased as those still on the bullshit. But sadly once the "gang" label has been placed it not only more than likely takes pressure off the crime being solved it may also make leads when there are none thinking made up gang violence is the cause.


There are no more Sanctioned Nation Business in the MotherLand that is "Chicago" anymore, not within the black community, within the GDs Vice Lords, Black P Stones, and 4 Corner Hustlers, theres little to none of a Prince, 5 Star Universal Elite, General, or Regent in Chicago that can tell anybody under the age of 35 to put in some work for them. I personally know those days are over with, "In CHICAGO" I cant speak for anywhere else. But the fact that the media connects most of the violonce to "Gang Violence" its just a misleading as labeling a victim as a "Documented Gangmember" to the world instead of the victim they are.

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