Woody Allen and the end of time?

in #multimedia7 years ago


In 1993, Wadi Allen was accused of sexually assaulting his wife Mia Farro's adopted daughter Dylan Farro against US manufacturer Woody Allen. Many water is inundated with this. Years later, the case was filed in court. But no Hollywood star ever opened the face against this producer. Finally, at the time of the windfall, the complaint was again turned to Woody Allen. Dylan Faraway expresses anger on Twitter about protesting against wearing black clothes on Golden Globe held on January 7. He said that people who used to wear black clothes to protest against sexual harassment, at the Golden Globes, many of them once talked about the issue of sexually abused Woody Allen. Woody was fifth in praise. Dylan criticized their two-pronged policy.


Actress Mira Sarovinor noticed this distraction. Mira was one of the actresses who opened her mouth against Harvey Weinstein. Again, this Miri did once work with Woody. Mira believed Woody was her guru. But recently Mira Sarovino cleans her position about Woody. He wrote an open letter, along with Dylan Farrow. He apologized to Dylan. Because when Dylan boldly told the story of his torture to tell the world, Mirza and others like him influenced the process of judging the Woody as noble and honest. But now the voices are mira. He swears, no one will work with Woody any more.


Not only Mirai, recently the Golden Globe winner, Ladybird's creator, Grey Garwieg has opened the face of Woody Allen. He also said, will never work with Grete again with Woody. This producer starred in Woody's Picture to Rome with Love in 2012.

Apart from that Woody Allen's latest directed picture, A Reiki Day in New York, actress Rebecca Hallo said one thing. He also works with Woody regrets. Promises, and never do any kind of work with this manufacturer. He even donated all the fees he received from this picture to the Times' Ups Fund, a group that has been struggling to fight sexual harassment.

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