WHAT ABOUT MUH ROADS? Who will build the roads?

in #muhroads6 years ago


"Who will build the roads?"
This is the typical question that anarchists / libertarians get when they talk about living without a govern-cement.

People are so conditioned that only the govern-cement can handle such large amounts of money and get anything large accomplished. Of course, that is mostly because they block anybody else from competing with them. (unless you pay lots in campaign contributions).

But, who will build the roads?

And the real answer is, "I will."
I have built roads for many people.
Mostly they were developers who paid for and built the roads.
(And then they gave the roads to the state, so they didn't have to maintain them)

You might more accurately ask, why do you insist on paying 4 to 10 times the amount for crappy, pot hole (un)filled roads? Why do you insist on paying so much for so little?

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However, none of these mental gymnastics are even relevant.
In the future, the entire argument / counter-argument will seem stupid, insane, inane, off topic.

Because, in the not to distant future the larger problem will be how do we remove the toxicity that is what we now call roads? In the future, roads will be turned into basketball courts and walking paths. People will discuss the better ways to turn these areas into gardens... but that will be short lived as the ground is toxic through and through.

In the near future we will have hovering cars.
Not far after that, we will have teleportation.

Along with this, we will also have tiny, green, electric power plants that can power a small community. Thus, we will see tiny communities springing up all over. As people realize that with modern conveniences like power and water, you can grow all the food you need with only 10 hours a week of work. The cities, and all of their industry will be for the most part, down sized. Made micro. And the mass exodus of cities will commence.

All of this huge areas we call parking lots, strip malls and ROADS, will pretty much be abandoned.
So, who will build the roads? No one.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


I know lots of people who would love to participate in building roads or whatever may be neccesary if they weren’t under so much unnecessary pressure to compete for basic needs that there are more than enough of. When I go to the beach I like to spend an hour cleaning it up if it’s dirty. I actually enjoy it. It may make little difference if I’m just doing it myself but when there are lots of people with abundance mentality around I’d like to organize regular beach cleaning parties.

And you organize a park cleaning party, because the beach is already clean... and then the park rangers show up and the police, because... that's someone else's job, or you're unqualified. So many times govern-cement has made it impossible to do an easy task (that would have made things better)

And the basic needs should be REALLY CHEAP. But they are not, due to mortgages and inflation. Think about it, everything should be paid off and everything should be getting cheaper like computers. They are not because of inflation. And wages never keep up with inflation.

Yeah more solar panels so we can take down the electricity poles, building your own food. It would all be so nice to have self sustaining communities man.

Buttt...people are stubborn, stupid and in general lazy so to get to this point..that might take a while..a good long while

People are not really stupid and lazy. They have been taught to not thing, and have been cut off from ever learning or doing anything themselves. (its all illegal.)

It may take generations to set straight. As learned helplessness is hard to overcome.

Very true point you take here. They were not taught that way. I just lived on a Caribbean island the last couple of years and there you really saw that people are in the unknown, BUT they are also not sticking out their necks to learn something and get a step further (generalized this is)

We don’t need everyone or even a majority to start! 1% of the population is enough to move mountains and we are already past that, we just need to find each other.

Early Americans all took part in the barter system. Even now there are some barter associations but I don't hear much about them.

Too many students are getting degrees in social sciences and don't know the top end of a shovel. Volunteerism is good for the spirit, but usually lousy dividends.

Many tribes functioned with a gift economy or a reputation economy, bartering was mostly done between tribes. I would love to see this kind of culture re-emerge along side other modes of interaction. The more experimentation the better.

I wonder how soon for flying cars and other technologies held back from us.

I am unsure of the timing. I can describe the "road" map :-p
And, i am not sure i would call them flying cars. More like, cars that don't fall.
But, it is not long after that, to make flying... so

It is also not so much these technologies are held back from us,
it is that the entire university science is wrong. We've been led down the wrong path.
When we are back on the correct path, these inventions are pretty much obvious.

I hope you're right but, do you know how, exactly, this wonderful future will come about?

First, scientists figure out that everything they were taught in university was wrong.

Then study starts on understanding the aether.

Then we discover massless objects.

Then we discover how time and space are a constructs of the aether, and then it becomes an engineering matter about how to make here, there.

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