Running on Resentment: Why Democrats Will Lose in 2020

in #mueller5 years ago (edited)

bloody supporter.png

For those still supporting the Mueller investigation, this is what you’re missing...

If accusations can lead to full-on investigations, our country is doomed. Nobody will run for office as the vote of the constituency will ALWAYS be overturned by political investigations. All one needs to do is lob accusations at their opponent if their election doesn’t go as planned.

The Source of Russia Collusion

Well before the investigation, Hillary Clinton knew her “misplaced” emails would soon become public knowledge. Even Clinton’s most dedicated allies in the media were forced to acknowledge the damning information. Nonetheless, the conversation soon shifted from emails to Russia. This narrative shift included wild reporting about the notorious Trump Tower meeting and grand hacking schemes involving Russia. Keeping consistent with the new narrative, Clinton rallied her base claiming Trump was an agent of Putin. It all seemed to fit.

By shifting the focus away from the contents of the emails and onto Russian hacking, Clinton’s friends in the media successfully changed the narrative making her look more like a victim instead of someone guilty of mishandling classified information. While WikiLeaks and right-winged media sources uncovered embarrassing nuggets of information demonstrating blatant deception and mishandling of classified information, the mainstream media remained silent on the issue.

Following Trump’s surprising victory, the Never-Trumpers (both Republican and Democrat) accused the new administration of Russian collusion soon after the release of the Steele Dossier. Nobody seemed to care that these accusers were the same people funding the opposition research. The propaganda wing of the D.C. Establishment- otherwise known as the media- went into full-on Russia hysteria and published a slew of “fake news.” After being called out for lack of candor, the media quietly redacted these fabricated stories by hiding them in obscurity. Although these articles lacked evidence, they still caused great harm to the new administration and provided public support for the Mueller Investigation.

The Real Collusion

Meanwhile, FOIA evidence acquired by Judicial Watch and Congressional testimony demonstrated clear bias against the president and an attempt to protect Hillary Clinton. Additional evidence includes confidential leaks to the media from prominent members of Congress and ranking members of the FBI. Most importantly, we learned the Dossier was used to initiate the investigation.

Why is the Dossier important? It’s important because it is NOT true. Rather, it spawned from opposition research written by a known liar (Michael Steele) employed with a firm (Fusion GPS) with direct connections to the DOJ. Nothing about the Dossier is legitimate. Claims of accuracy have yet to be backed up with real evidence. The conflicts of interests, the lack of reliability by Steele, and the way the Dossier was released into circulation all calls for a REAL investigation. Nevertheless, those hellbent on seeing Trump impeached turned a blind eye to the real collusion and continue to do so today.

Running on Resentment

For those that want to see Trump impeached, it’s not really about legitimate elections. Get Real! After all, Clinton and the DNC did more to rig the election than anyone else. If you don’t believe me, just ask Donna Bazile and Bernie Sanders. Interestingly, nobody speaks of the collusion committed at the DNC. Why? Because nobody on the left cares enough to speak up. Rather, these resentful Democrats would rather focus on Trump. To me, it’s clear. This failed investigation is nothing more than a display of deep resentment. Sadly, this resentment is also directed at those that voted for Trump.

If the Democrats want to make any progress, they need to stand for something, not against something. Resentment only hurts the Democratic Party and will certainly cost them the election in 2020. Looking at the Democratic candidates and their lack of direction, I have NO DOUBT Trump will win. While I used to believe a market crash would certainly cause Trump to lose, I now have doubts. I believe Mueller’s investigation has united Trump’s old supporters while drawing new ones into the party. Talk about political blowback…

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

I truly hope our divided country mends and moves on. However, we should never forget what happened as we would be doomed to repeat it. Deep down, it’s not about left vs. right. Rather, it’s about debating on factual information. The sources of our information matter if we are serious about getting to the truth and growing as a country. Ultimately, I hope the Mueller Investigation makes us all look at our sources of information with A LOT more skepticism.

Now, here’s where I get to say “I told you so.” For those of you that evaluated all the information and relied on critical analysis, good job on accurately predicting the outcome of this ridiculous investigation. If you’ve been supporting this bogus witch hunt, feel free to leave your heartfelt apology in the comment section.

I look forward to reading them. Ha!

Tom Hurst
The Libertarian Contrarian


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