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RE: Behind the Scenes of MSP Waves Radio

in #mspwaves7 years ago

This is v interesting.
First glance - sounds ideal for all parties involved. How is Musicoin mined - is it tradable on exchanges etc? Appreciate any additional pointers.

In the meantime - I am forwarding also to our @msp-waves station manager @sircork for review - and will let our dj's know.

I am not a DJ mix-artist - I just play music on my shows. So, the music mix/genres are less suitable for my shows. However, I certainly will have a listen.

So - there are 100 free plays - after which the consumer/radio host will pay into the system... Is that how Musicoin is funded?

Is this then open to all genres of music, let's say, I have written a Christian song, and I perform it, upload it.
Are there plans to roll this out to include a wider music music spectrum?

How does Musicoin protect against ISRC registered plagiarism. What would prevent someone to rip a song and sell it on Musicoin as original work?

ISRC = centralized
Musicoin = decentralized... Fantastic!

Thanks for your response!


Hi @globocop ! Musicoin is an Ethereum fork, so it's mined with ethminer, Claymore, etc.
The 100 free plays is temporary, soon the system will be hardforked for free play, paid for by a 15% fee from mining.
Musicoin is ALL genres. No restrictions. My mix just happens to be hard dance music, but everything is already there.
Plagarism is policed just by the community right now. I imagine this approach will grow, as listeners and musicians are economically interested in the system, I don't think they will tolerate someone uploading a popular song under false pretense and draining the system.

Thanks - will discuss with @sircork... Sounds all great.

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