Of Christ's Power in us - Recap and Q&A - Sun 4pm Central

in #mspwaves7 years ago (edited)

Killing Sacred Cows, Doing God's Will, And Becoming Untouchable

A Recap of the last three GW SHows with Live Q&A


Killing Sacred Cows

Many teachings in traditional churches have been bent to accomodate Political Correctness, pacify oppressive governments and non Christian special interest groups. In the process, the true Word of God has been corrupted and through it, many people are led away from God.

Sacred Cows, false teachings, watered down milk, all these keep us in bondage, make us sick, physically, mentally and spiritually.

God's word spells Peace, Abundance and Liberty, if you chose to exercise it. What if you had a weapon so powerful to defeat any enemy and you chose not to use it?

Hebrews 4:12 (KJV 1900)
12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Doing God's Will

Seven 'secrets' to renewing our minds and establish a relationship with God that no human can break.

Becoming Untouchable

Once we are in Christ and believe and honor His word, we are under divine protection, if we chose to claim it. Whose report to you believe? That of man, or that of God? The conseqences of your decision are life changing.


Join us in the MPS Waves Radio Discord Channe for LIVE Q&A.



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On the air Prayer Requests on Discord

Chris is a born again Christian who came to Christ in February of 2011. He was baptized in October in the Jersey sea. If you would like to appear as guest on God-Waves to share your testimony, please contact Chris on Steemit.chat or P.A.L Discord.

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MSPWaves Radio and its owners take no responsibility for the opinions or statements made by the talk show host or their guests. Statements and show topics are not necessarily the beliefs of the radio station. The material on this show is provided for educational and informational purposes only.

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Thank you for this reminder. And, for the show. I love listening to it. Yes, I usually cry through the whole thing, but as my best friend on Earth once told me----the tears cleanse the soul.

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