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RE: Suprabowl of Kindness $2,000

in #mspwaves7 years ago

I was listening for part of the time but I could not listen to the whole things because I have a lot on my plate ATM. This is an awesome thing you guys have done! Kudos to all who have helped this family!

CPS Corruption is one, if not THE most important issue we are facing in the U.S. and all over the world right now. I know because I spent better than 10 Years battling them myself. They ('CPS', as an agency) do exactly what they were intended to do from the start, which is; tear apart families, drain their resources, drive them into the ground in every way possible, and professionally kidnap children on behalf of the Pedophile and Black Ops networks! That is what they were put into place for.

Unless people experience the corruption for themselves they tend to just assume they are really set up to help people. If I had not had help, there is no telling what the situation for my family would have been. It would not have been good I can tell you that. And getting a lawyer to represent you that is actually working for you and not the courts is another problem. They know just exactly what they are doing and they take advantage of the fact that most families have NO idea what is going to happen.

They (the agencies and courts and their corrupt doctors) know exactly how long they can drag it out in court, and many families never recover from the damage this corrupt criminal organization has wrought upon their lives.

I fought them tooth and nail. By the time all was said and done, I had had the most expensive such case in the history of the County I was in. The lawyer that finally got the shit to stop has a $10,000 retainer fee, but she shut them all right down. The last time those ass holes came to my door I had the court order from the judge... Not them! When they kept banging and banging and banging... after three times or more of telling them they were scaring my child, and friends so they needed to leave... I told them My Pittie that was snarling on the inside of the door needed to go out for a walk so they had choice to stay there while I walked it or they could get back into their car and go find someone else to traumatize.

I hate (don't like using the word but it applies here) those people. Every one of them.

SO Blessings to this Woman and her family and all of you who have helped her! It's vital to spread the word about such things so it comes to an end! Thank you for sharing some relevant links. I will have a look at them. :) If you have not heard of Former Senator Nancy Schaefer (R.I.P.) you should look her up.

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