@mspwaves talks about the incoming tidal wave of new content creators

in #mspwaves7 years ago (edited)

Hi all

This afternoon I tuned in to mspwaves radio, hosted by @aggroed. The positivity that comes from this guy's mouth alone is enough to tune in alone - You need to check this show out when it is on air each month!

Keep an eye on @aggroed's feed and tune in next time here: https://discord.gg/S7npwYU

And support him as a witness here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses

The above text was not sponsored by @aggroed, I just think he's a good guy who is good for Steem and Steemit.


MSPWaves radio show - 13th January 2018

This months show started with @andrachy, Steemit community liaison, discussing the new approach to on-boarding and supporting the increasing number of new recruits moving over from Youtube. The focus seems to on getting these people with a large number of YouTube subscribers settled in to the community, and guiding them whilst they adapt and get to grips with the technological aspects of the Steem Blockchain, and its many applications.

Clearly @dtube is the main focus for these accounts, and we listened to @heimindanger talk directly about the achievements of @dtube thus far, and being happy with the progress made in such a short time.

We also heard from some of these new names who are making the switch to Steem / @dtube and their reasons for doing so. I've watched some of these established vloggers and their content is generally good, and they certainly know how to talk to the camera.

Obviously, I'm happy to hear that more and more people are joining Steem each day, and that some of these accounts can potentially bring tens of thousands of accounts over with them.

However. Listening to @andrachy and @heimindanger discuss the direction of Steemit and @dtube, a couple of things came to mind.

  • Firstly, where was my on-boarding guide and red carpet? 😜

  • Do any of us 'normal folk' stand a chance against these vlogging and content creation giants?

  • And, are the tens of thousands of new followers they can bring (and themselves for that matter), going to invest into STEEM. Or does this not really matter as they are bringing content and users?

I guess I sound a little worried for the everyday 'older' accounts registered here. Is there a chance we will see less visitors to our blogs and vlogs as 'celebrities' start to arrive?

Recently we have seen a couple of accounts, that have a wealth of followers from elsewhere, really go to town with the posting and the picking up of rewards. Will this be a reoccurring theme as more well known content creators arrive?

So, yeah..

I'm glad I have friends here and am doing what i can to support these 'virtual' communities that I feel a part of. I think now is a good time as any to get involved with projects that interest you, find your niche areas, and build friendships and followers.

Soon, we may need to all hold hands so we don't get swept away by the huge incoming wave!

Your thoughts and opinions are very welcome.

Thanks for reading!

Asher @abh12345


I think we all have to deal with that question, when we see someone outshining us, do we cheer for them, or become jealous? The last thing any of us want is for Steemit to become oversaturated like YT and make it impossible for new guys to shine. But I think the core mechanics of how Steem works compared to YT are different enough to keep this from happening.

  1. It doesn't matter how many fans they bring from their platform, unless those fans invest themselves in the Steem platform and build their Steem Power, their vote means almost nothing. This gives more power and influence to the established users on Steem. I just started a few months back, but my vote equals 80 times that of new users. They can't pander to their established YT crowd, not engage, and expect to have any meaningful returns.
  2. If the YouTuber occupies your same niche they'll be bringing a ton of users that will be interested in what you have to offer as well. This will expand your community and increase the overall reward pool for your niche.
  3. The YouTuber may be successful on YouTube, but they will most likely be lost on Steemit. They will be looking for established users to follow and build a community with. This gives you an opportunity to connect and network and support people who were out of reach prior. If you help them succeed here, they will more than likely continue to support your works as well.

Hi @theferalone

Thank you for your comments!

I agree with your points and do feel that unless these 'referred' users choose to invest then they will likely not gain much traction themselves. A positive, like you say, is that they will potentially add more eyes to the content creators work that currently exists here in their areas of interest.

This is a reason I do like to blog about 'Steemit' at times, as I think because this is where we are many can relate and presumably have some sort of interest. And I guess because we know the ropes to some extent, and already hold some Steem Power, we have the advantage in this regard.

Thanks again for take the time to reply in detail :)


That's such a great perspective, @feralone! That first point is so important. Numbers of people don't matter so much as the Steem power those folks bring to their votes. And the second point is great, too. It's been so nice seeing so many homesteading people come onto Steemit. Having an engaged community of people is really key on Steemit.

I wouldn't worry too much about the incoming wave of experienced content creators and their trail of followers. I welcome it actually.

The reason for that is that we do not want to be a closed ecosystem. On the contrary, because we are decentralized, everyone has the opportunity to shine and those that work hard to do it consistently, well, they deserve to be on the podium.

I am pretty new here (3 months) and I have been scratching my head hard to produce exceptional content in my field. To my surprise, it has been working quite well making me a Steemit addict lol! If someone gets into my niche and shines brighter than I, well, so be it, I will congratulate him or her: it's the rule of the game.

Another thought: consistency is even more central on Steemit. Payouts are on 7 days, so you cannot sleep on your past successes, and always move forward. It is challenging, but exciting, and most importantly, brings a touch of fairness in the game.

Yes you are right, as are many replying to my 'fearful' post :)

It does seem quite important not to take too many steps back to admire your work and continue onto the next project, especially if you are a content creator.

This does level the playing field and allow the 'grinders' to progress, even if it's not quite as fast as the stars will.

Thanks for your excellent comments!

MSP is the newbie red carpet!

I agree. :) Though I chose to learn the ropes the hard way. Having the MSP bot helped boost my morale as well as the #philippines discord community which served as my training ground.

I should really have added this point!

Thanks man, a great show as always!

I just gave you a vote for witness as you do amazing things for us newbies, and thank you for that, it is appreciated.

I listened to some of it too when I heard a fellow homesteader on steemit (huwsnursery) was going to be on; They had written a post earlier today about how they were going to be releasing dTube first then YT videos about a week later. With the hopes of bringing more people to steemit with the release being here first.

doing what i can to support these 'virtual' communities

I like this part of the sentence. That is how I view myself now. A virtual community coordinator/enthusiast!

It's a great show for insight into happenings of the community as a whole.

And yes, I was thinking of the Stewards when I wrote that line, happy to see you picked up on it!

A virtual community coordinator/enthusiast!

This is you indeed!

As steem gains popularity, and its active user base grows, the value of steem will grow with it.

Celebrities bring their followers, and with their followers brings a fresh sea of individuals to the platform. So while it may seem that in this attention economy a celebrity would steal engagement from smaller users, it's in fact the opposite; they grow the platform and make the rewards more valuable.

Hi @r0nd0n

Thanks for your insight here. I guess i'm feeling a little threatened, when in fact I should be looking forward to all the new eyes and content that will arrive onto the Steem Blockchain.

Cheers for your comments!

It's a valid concern, and I'm glad you brought it up. People here need to realize the full potential of this platform in order to articulate it well to others.

Thanks :)

I think as a minnow, in life in general also.

The Steemfest vibe was very positive and I could feel the potential and energy - I'll make sure to stay on course and keep producing the content that supports this.


Great question! Something I've been wondering about as I actually am a YouTuber and blogger as well. Although it seems like I am slowly starting to become a steemit user first! I think the way you think about this is that the original steemit users are going to continue to compound their influence and remain powerful, while newer players are going to bring in a lot of fresh eyes to what is in my opinion the best blockchain project to ever exist.

The fresh eyes is the good thing to come out of this new wave, that's for sure.

I'm glad I worked my ass off this past 9 months to gather some SP (or influence), as I think it will only get tougher to do this via content creation as we move forward.


p.s. you now have the slider, i hope to see you climbing the ranks in my 2nd curation/engagement league :D

Wait how did I get the slider? I don't have 500SP?!

I gave you a boost, likely valid until my delegation ends. Cheers!

Dude you are the man, I am so grateful. Thank you so much!

As an early adopter, you've got a lot of advantages and you're doing great, you write consistently quality content & comments. I'm not there yet, I've got a ton to learn, but I don't fear them because I know my value and you should remind yourself too of what you accomplished and what you've got to offer :)

Thank you. Very kind of you to say so :)

I'm probably not the best judge of my own worth, but I do see lots of value around me which is awesome :D

Glad to see you are settling in, content creating and commenting away :)

It's strange, I feel like I know you :)

I think that's one of your biggest strengths, you've built a great community and are amazing at interacting with people and letting your feelings and thoughts out.

Thank you :)

Thank you. I'm glad that's what you see :) It's something I try hard at, even if I have 30 messages to reply to when I wake up!

Have a great Sunday :D

Well, hhmm, I have been here two months or so and I have seen a great increase in these "creator giants". I am also not an "old user". So for me it is kind of just keep my head up and move forward. If I create what I feel, I can't go wrong. If it is just about the 1 upvote that shows someone cared a bit, then it is all worth it. If it is a mad scramble to the top...you are right...they are most of the way up already. Perhaps we can view it like a race up the side of the mountain and our perspective will determine which side we are on....backside in the dark, or front side where the sun is still shining no matter how far up you are. 🙃

heh :D

Perhaps we can view it like a race up the side of the mountain and our perspective will determine which side we are on....backside in the dark, or front side where the sun is still shining no matter how far up you are.

Love it!

You sound like a person I should be following. Thanks for your view, from the sunny side :)

Well, I would love that. I am just starting to try my hand at vlogging, without fear. Life is good, and short...forward...fearlessly!

Great, I'll try to check out these vlogs. I've been dipping my toes in too - damn it is strange talking at your phone without anything coming back :)

Good luck!

Haha right!! It took a minute to get used to. Stacie D (@freedomtowrite) and I started a youtube channel for our homestead and cut our teeth with that. Just one on one with the camera though is different. Not just bringing something that people want to hear, but also that they will like it. I have been planning to vlog for like a year and a half, but it is more about concern about negative comments. Thats the fear part haha, but I am pushing past that. You should give it a go!

I've done a few thus far. You can tell I'm no TV presenter!

There will be more coming soon when I moved to the new place :)

I am sure it will be great. Remember it is all subjective....you talk about what you want, edit how you want to, upload how you want to....if you know you are being true to you, and doing what you can with what you have, it is already "great"! 🙃

Thank you @freedompoint, yes I think being yourself is the way to be here and in all walks of life. Have a nice day 😁

Haven't gone through the other comments yet but would like to share my thoughts:

Firstly, where was my on-boarding guide and red carpet? 😜

You're not the only one. :p

Do any of us 'normal folk' stand a chance against these vlogging and content creation giants?

Well, I don't look at it as competition. If they come here and they have their subscribers coming here, then it's their community. I also look at it as a way to learn from others.

Plus, growth in Steemit (or STEEM blockchain as a whole) is a growth to the whole STEEM community right?

Plus, I believe you've built a loyal following here and if these switchers (new content creators) bring their communities here, then it will most likely mean a potential of new followers. Unless, that's not what you're looking for. :p

And, are the tens of thousands of new followers they can bring (and themselves for that matter), going to invest into STEEM. Or does this not really matter as they are bringing content and users?

Well, if they're like me, then some or most will be content creators which will up our game. But if they already have a following and add more influence to that following through up-votes, then they will most likely invest. If they (the big time new comers) want to have a bigger influence, then I think it's inevitable for them to buy Steem Power to reward their followers and potential new followers.

I hope thoese thoughts came out right.

All valid points and I think what the general consensus is overall in the comments. Cheers :)

Stepping up our game is something we will have to do for sure.

Hopefully the new wave will invest, as others have said, if they don't (or their followers don't) then it may well be tougher to gain traction here. And yeah, the investment in STEEM and increased content/user-base should have a positive effect for all of us.


great topics / i can deal with that kind of tsunami !! / resteemed

Surf's up! :D Thank you!

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