Losing Doesn't Make You A Failure!!!

in #mspsteem6 years ago

Hey Guys,

Losing or failing should be viewed as a hurdle rather than a road block. One thing I always have in mind is that anyone that wants to be successful in life should not be discouraged by failure because the part to success mostly carries some element of disappointments.

Of course I know that we must have one way or the other blew up so many chances, lost many times that has made us a complete fool in front of everyone, I can understand how it feels but the worst of it all is when we start to doubt ourselves and starting to view ourselves as a failure, I really don't feel it's the right thing to do cos failing one time or even several times doesn't make me or you a failure.

Understand that failures comes in different ways. It can be by accident,mistakes or error. That is how I see how failure comes in my own little understanding hehehe!


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As a PUNKY, There are ways I react to failures whenever it happens.....

  • BEEN REALISTIC : One thing I always tell my self is that failure is something that happens, but it's not what I am. Having this at the back of mind is been realistic with myself cos in every journey of life one must encounter failure but that doesn't mean you are failure. And there this saying that says "Just because one hasn't found a successful way to do something does not necessarily means that person is a failure." I don't demand perfection fro my self cos if I do am only setting myself up for disappointment, no one is perfect, I can only work towards perfection....

  • I ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY : Nobody is responsible for your failure, to blame others for your failure is the height of irresponsibility. Nothing positive is ever gained easily, in the process of doing something and it doesn't result as i have expected I'll be courageous enough and accept the full responsibility for my failure. But it's a reminder that I'm a human because I don't take failure personal.

  • BY BEING NICE TO MY SELF : Seriously I usually don't tear myself down for failing, most times what I always do is to give my self a break and talk to somebody I know to talk about how I am feeling because it's well known that just talking about something can make one feel better and to move on in life. Afterwards, I take time to reflect on my experience,learn from my mistake cos one of the best way to react to mistake is to grow from your mistakes.

  • LOOKING AT THE FAILURES OF OTHERS : Failure is universal, almost everyone out there has encounter or experienced failure so don't think for a second that you are the only person that is facing failure. So what I do was that I looked at the successful set of people I'm looking up to and I will take a look at the failures they have encountered in their lives because successful people talk about their failures just as much as they talk about their success.

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One thing we should know is that the difference between a stepping stone and a stumbling block is the way in which we approach it. For some people failing can be a blessing while for others it can be a curse.

"It is not what we do that makes us fail as much as what we failed to do"

Thanks for reading through and wishing ya'all a week filled with good fortunes ahead of the new week.

@segunreus cares! Aka PUNKY (Professional uncle no kids yet).


this is a really nice post, well done Punky

Thanks bro!

"my biggest success, have been my biggest failures" @johnskotts

Love the article, love the look, and most of all love the PUNKY!!!

Hahahahah it’s always a pleasure John!

Pleasure is always mine....beans...!!!

Wealth diminishes with usage; learning increases with use. ~ Nigeria

Very true Joan... thanks for passing by!

Well said, we make mistakes that's why were humans. Btw your outfit is awesome bro ;)

Thanks bro! And thanks for passing by!

Hahahahahah...nice ride bruh. And real deep wisdom in those lines. Failure is never the end resukt. Its part of the process. When i fail, i do one thinh, which is to laugh at myself.

Awesome bro!

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Omo alhaji

Kilon shele?

Abeg. How much be that car?

Cool bro.. it’s nt for sale.. been a while

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