Steemit Markdown Basics for Beginners

in #mspsteem6 years ago (edited)



If you're beginning out it may be confusing how to grips Markdown.

Markdown could be a data format system that permits you to form posts quickly victimization symbols as shortcuts for formatting while not the effort of victimization HTML.

Here area unit a number of the foremost basic markdown shortcuts that I in person have started victimization.

Why use Markdown over HTML?


Why use Markdown over HTML?

Simplicity Stock ikon

Simplicity and simple use compared to HTML/CSS.
Faster than HTML/CSS because of less typewriting.
Faster than the application Steemit text editor for similar reasons.
Easier to read/review/spot errors and additionally edit compared to HTML/CSS.
Can be combined with HTML/CSS for additional advanced information and options.
Once you find out how to use these terribly basic techniques you may be abundant faster at posting.

Other Resources i like to recommend

  1. For additional careful info i might recommend victimization the Markdown Cheatsheet by Adam Pritchard that has been suggested by variety of individuals.
  2. You can additionally acquire tips from different users - there's nothing wrong with asking!
  3. In addition I ought to mention that @charlieshrem has created a markdown editor at Steempower.orgthat is additionally a really great tool for composing and posting in markdown. Not solely that however it additionally permits you to save lots of your posts and submit them on to Steemit!

Format of this post

I will be victimization screenshots maybe the particular text you kind into the markdown editor then illustrate the preview that you just get.

(This is as a result of if I really place the markdown text within the post can|it'll} not show as is however will become formatted per the markdown specs.)

The markdown text you kind encompasses a CREAM background color to square out.

Basic Points Before we get to the Markdown

Here could be a read of what you see after you click on the "Submit a Story" button (A) at the highest right of your Steemit browser window:

The default view allows the entry of markdown or html below:

If you click on the highest right corner wherever it says "Editor" (B) it'll take you to the terribly basic text editor that is ok however won't enable you to use markdown or HTML.

Further it may within the past cause you to lose sure html/markdown data format therefore i feel the last update prevented shift once you begin getting into text so as to stop this happening.

That same you'll still get in the regular text editor out of the blue before you begin writing. If you discover your markdown isn't operating this could be the rationale. If you cannot see the "Markdown" button to modify back you may ought to do this:

Copy your text to the writing board or a separate document and hit clear (C). The "Markdown" possibility ought to re-emerge as shown below (D), click it so you'll paste your text back in.

editor out of the blue before you begin typewriting. If you discover your markdown isn't operating this could be the explanation. If you cannot see the "Markdown" button to modify back you may have to be compelled to do this:

Copy your text to the writing board or a separate document and hit clear (C). The "Markdown" possibility ought to appear as shown below (D), click it then you'll paste your text back in.

The Markdown Bit (Finally!)


This is one in all the simplest points concerning Markdown.

Unlike hypertext markup language wherever you wish to use information tags for paragraphs, merely hit Enter/Return once or double in Markdown can produce paragraphs (depending on however you like to format).

It works precisely the same means as a regular word processing system.

That saves loads of typewriting compared to hypertext markup language.


For headings use a hash image "#" followed by a gap:

e.g. you type this:

and you get this:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

The additional hashes you utilize the smaller the heading.

You can use to six - NB do not forget to depart a niche between the hashes or it'll confuse the editor.


Italics use underscores or asterisks

e.g. you type:


and you get this:

underscores or



For daring use double underscores or asterisks

e.g. you type:

and you get:

double underscore

double asterisk

Both Bold and Italic Combined

Mix them (asterisks and underscores) for text that is both italicised and bold:

e.g. you type:

and get:


Numbered Lists:

You kind numbered points like this, the amount followed by a full stop/period:

and you get this:

  1. Point 1
  2. Point 2
  3. Point 3

Bulleted Lists

For bulleted lists use asterisks with a space:

You type:

and you get:

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • etc
    The easiest thanks to do these is to use sq. brackets to surround your title followed by spherical brackets (without a gap) with the link:

e.g. you type:

and you get:


Images square measure similar however formatted like this:
![Title Text](Image link here "Image Name")

You type:

and you get:

you do not have to be compelled to use a separate image name and file name and might merely use ![Image Title](Image Link) or perhaps use simply a link on it's own for Steemit - however simply just in case there's a tangle with the link loading i'd still use a title tho'.}

Youtube Videos

essentially simply treat the youtube video like a picture link that the format would be:

![Youtube Link Title](Youtube Video Link)

#Quotes use the "greater than" mathematical symbol i.e. ">"
e.g. you type:


and you get:

This is a quote.

Section Dividing Lines

Three or additional asterisks, hyphens, or underscores create a demarcation to separate sections. (Thanks to @ajibade for showing ME this):

e.g. you type:

and you get 3 identical dividing lines:

The in particular look an equivalent in preview despite that triple image you employ.

Extra tips

If it's not operating there are three common possibilities:

  1. You have either area|an area} missing (headings - the editor can see it as a tag) or an additional space within the case of different styles of text.
  2. You are exploitation the text editor that doesn't scan markdown (which I make a case for close to the highest of the post).
  3. You are employing a feature that's not compatible with the Steemit implementation of markdown - this may happen if you're exploitation some obscure functions.
  • If you stand still - elicit facilitate or use Google - there ar many on-line resources just like the same Markdown Cheatsheet.*
    NOTE - If you employ for image hosting it'll mechanically produce Markdown formatted links for you (plus hypertext mark-up language versions and more) as shown within the screenshot below:

Thanks to @blueorgy for creating this valuable tool for us to use.

These ar simply the fundamentals to urge you started. really i do not extremely use anything besides these markdown tricks to format my post. As I declared earlier you'll be able to realize masses additional data on line. I hope this has been helpful and straightforward to know. Please let ME understand if you notice any mistakes or something is unclear.


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