FreezePeach Radio will not be Live Tonight

in #msp-waves6 years ago


Those of you who have been following me should know by now that I do a 3 hr politically charged podcast every Monday night/Tuesday early morning at 12-3 am UTC. I have stopped posting show announcements for some time on this blog because it was getting much too repetitive since I didn't really write about anything else, but a show cancellation is out of the norm so I'll fill you in on it.

Tonight will be a replay, but I have chosen an especially powerful episode we had done several weeks ago. This episode centered around the political powder keg developing in South Africa. Through the words of our special guest, @breezin, you will be taken to a place where identity politics are being taken to their predictable outcome; a harsh reality of 2 wolves and 1 sheep deciding what's for dinner. You will experience the reality of white farmers facing mutilation, rape, and torture as she tells her own accounts of people she once knew. And hopefully, this information will give you perspective in your day-to-day struggle of making your world a better place.

I wasn't in my best form on this episode, but luckily I don't do most of the talking and spuloo was there to help me out. I still have plans to edit it down to digestible 5-10 min clips that can be easier shared and consumed, so keep an eye out for that, but in the meantime you can catch it in full tonight at the normal time and place, and stay tuned for the clips and overtime extras that will be released.


Spoolu is a loser. Lo iq. Low energy main stream rat in my humble view

Flaggged with love

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