Spreading The Fake Smollett “MAGA Country” Hate Crime: A Mainstream Media Montage

in #msm6 years ago


  • Spreading The Fake Smollett “MAGA Country” Hate Crime: A Mainstream Media Montage
    by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/
    When oh when dear mainstream media will you ever learn to get off the same old script? Like actually including some skepticism of unverified claims as one might be so bold as to expect of professional “objective, unbiased” journalists?

    Is it too much to ask CNN to bring an ounce of critical evidence to claims – especially on highly socially divisive topics such as a heinous hate crime – instead of closing their eyes and parroting whatever is the story line du jour merely because of politically convenient narratives? 

    How many embarrassing retractions, walk-backs, corrections, and deleted articles will it take?

    Instead we once again see CNN and virtually all other left-leaning mainstream outlets spreading legitimately fake news like wild-fire merely because a given narrative is politically and ideologically convenient to their corporate owners, because you know… MAGA.

    The mere mention of “White men in MAGA hats” immediately crushes the mainstream’s ability for critical analysis, as many recent instances of embarrassing media mea culpas prove. And they are becoming too many to count of late. As it now turns out, Donald Trump Jr. is correct in pointing out that:

    It appears that Jussie Smollett tried to manufacture a hate crime to make Trump supporters look bad and most of the media not only uncritically accepted his lies as facts for weeks, but attacked those who questioned the validity of his false story.

    As Fox News’ Brian Flood also remarks, “CNN is all in on the Jussie Smollett news… but they keep forgetting the part where he claimed attackers were Trump supporters.” 

    read more.

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