NBC’s Brian Williams: “Our Job Is To Scare People To Death” Over North Korea

in #msm7 years ago


  • NBC’s Brian Williams: “Our Job Is To Scare People To Death” Over North Korea
    by Tyler Durden, http://www.zerohedge.com/
    ** Williams begins his revealing comment at the 2:00 mark.
    On Tuesday night MSNBC’s Brian Williams bluntly told his panel on the channel’s flagship prime time program, The 11th Hour, that “our job tonight actually is scare people to death” over North Korea. The remarks came in the midst of a vigorous discussion which included Andrea Mitchell giving a detailed description of what the potential death toll on the Korean peninsula might be should a ballistic missile exchange occur. The panel also included MSNBC contributor Malcolm Nance, to which Williams’ remarks were specifically directed.

    In response to Williams’ unexpected and very revealing comment, Mitchell appeared to shake her head, though it’s unclear if she was approving or disapproving of what he actually said – there was no push back by the panelists or attempt to seek clarification on Williams’ words.

    Though the world is currently witnessing a dangerous and escalating war of wordsbetween President Trump and the so-called hermit kingdom, mainstream media reporting has long been driven by simplistic fear mongering concerning the geopolitical dynamics driving tensions in the region. The American public is generally woefully uneducated regarding to history of US-North Korean tensions and war.

    read more.



Good to see another red pill trying to explain some of the geopolitical slight-of-hand the US uses to ensure that causes and justifications exist, conveniently, always.

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