Multiple Sclerosis, The Uninvited Guest

in #ms4 years ago

MS, The Uninvited Guest.png

Of all the unwanted and surprising guests and invitees we had to deal with, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is undeniably the one we can’t get rid of, and it is here to stay for a long time.

The time of a mysterious and challenging journey that we weren’t prepared for, but despite the various factors around MS, every once and a while we enjoy those little victories over MS symptoms, we also enjoy those special moments with our loved once, or with ourselves.

During this ongoing journey we had the chance to appreciate and value what used to be granted, but also we had and we might witness the loss and degradation of many aspects of our lives. But is it any different from the life for other humans beings?

But is it any different from life for other humans beings?

The MS diagnosis chock wasn’t easy at all, and while coping with such impacting news will differ from an MSer to another, we somehow went through the same alley at some point. In the other hand, what can we do effectively to move on in our lives at this point with this uninvited guest?

Long story short, there’s no simple answer to this irritating question, but rather a combination of multiple changes and development we can work on with our neurologists, member of the family, but also at work. Changes to help us adapt our reduced capabilities either physically or intellectually, to stay as active elements in the society, and to stay away from the feeling of worthlessness, which will benefit us in the long term.

not everyone can support the burden of an MSer companionship…

There’s already different and abundant online articles and books about the “How to” adjust our diet, manage our stress, cope with an MS relapse or to face a heartbreak, because you know, not everyone can support the burden of an MSer companionship and people must make choices in their lives.

I’m in no position to dictate a magic solution, as I’m with you all in the same trench, as long as we keep standing up every-time MS hit us, we are for sure doing well. It wasn’t easy for me to understand that I can live with MS and why not make MS a good reason and motivational factor instead of self-victimization as it was the easiest coping strategy at some point.

Let’s also be honest, we can’t force ourselves and believe we can keep the boat of our health condition steady, since we can’t control it all the time but we have enough room to maneuver and keep the boat afloat to face the ups and downs of the turbulent ocean of our MS journey.

We can live with MS, aren’t we already?

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