Entry for Mr.M Art Contest #4, Theme: Poetry Inspired Art

in #mrm-artcontest6 years ago (edited)

Here's an entry for Mr.M Art Contest #4, Theme: Poetry Inspired Art held by @melooo182.

The challenge is to create an artwork base on fragment of Oliverio Girondo's "Espantapajaros". You can read more about Oliverio Girondo here. This poem was slightly modified and popularized by the film El Lado Oscuro del Corazon or The Dark Side of the Heart (1992)

Me importa un pito que las mujeres
tengan los senos como magnolias o como pasas de higo;
un cutis de durazno o de papel de lija.
Le doy una importancia igual a cero,
al hecho de que amanezcan con un aliento afrodisíaco
o con un aliento insecticida.

Soy perfectamente capaz de soportarles
una nariz que sacaría el primer premio
en una exposición de zanahorias;
¡pero eso sí! —y en esto soy irreductible— no les perdono,
bajo ningún pretexto, que no sepan volar.
Si no saben volar
¡pierden el tiempo conmigo!

In English:

I don't give a damn if a woman's

breasts are like magnolias or like dried figs;

if her skin feel like a peach or sandpapper.

I give zero importance

to the fact that they wake up with an afrodisiacal breath

or an insecticidal breath.

I am perfectly capable of enduring

a nose that would win first prize

in a carrot exposition;

but definitely!--and in that I am irreducible--I won't forgive,

under any pretext, that they don't know how to fly.

If they don't know how to fly,

they waste their time with me

For Indonesian language readers:

Hai Steemians Indo, entri kontes kali ini menjawab tantangan untuk membuat karya berdasar petikan puisi karya Oliverio Girondo, seorang penyair Argentina. Puisi ini juga dipopulerkan sebuah film berbahasa Spannish mengenai seorang penyair yang terobsesi dengan seorang hooker papan-atas : El Lado Oscuro del Corazon atau The Dark Side of the Heart (1992).

Begini kira-kira terjemahan bebas puisi tersebut:

"...Tak peduli teteknya menggoda bak magnolia ataupun mengeriput macam buah ara yang mengering,

Entah kulitnya berasa ranumnya peach atau sebusik secarik amplas,

Tak begitu penting bagiku biarpun mereka bangun dengan nafas sangit macam bau serangga,

Aku tahan di hadapan dengus hidungnya yang mungkin lebih mirip sebentuk wortel paling juara,

Tapi pasti, tak bisa ditawar, bagaimanapun penjelasannya, aku takkan meloloskan perempuan yang tak paham cara terbang.

Jika mereka tak tahu bagaimana mereka seharusnya terbang,'

mereka buang-buang waktuku saja."

(Oliverio Girondo's Espantapajaros)

Artwork kali ini dibuat masih dengan Medibangpaint dan PS, langkah-langkah atau proses pembuatannya bisa disimak di rangkaian gambar dibawah.

And here's the step-by-steps captured from my Medibangpaint digital canvas:

Wish me luck! :D


Very nice poem. I love your drawing, it's really cute. Well done! 😃

Lovely work 😍

Thanks @andrewsmodels. Wish me luck :)

wow excellent post! very good drawing

Thanks @artizm. I'm flattered having great artist like you dropped a positive feedback here :)

I really love this. The poem is perfect for the drawing.

Actually it was more inspired by how the movie visualize the poem :)

Oh wow!! 😃
Very cool @anomt! 👏👏👏

Wooow this is great bro.

Good luck @anomt! This is such a pretty drawing with such cute characters..

it looks so adorable ❤️ ❤️
but may i ask, why did you choose some dolls? xd

Actually it's scrarecrow. The poem is part of a compilation tittled "Espantapajaros", in english : scarecrow.

isn't it, @melooo182 ?

oooh, thanks :)
good luck for the contest 😊

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