Download free MP3's music and videos from Youtube and not be a Pirate!

in #mp37 years ago (edited)

Hello folks,

Download 99% of content from Youtube without breaking any piracy laws.
And you can convert these videos to MP3 or Mp4 or AVI ect, then upload to your Phone, Tablet or MP3 player.
I use YTD Video Downloader and yes it's free also. (202).jpg

On the install, click agree and no on everything else, I'm sure you don't need the other programs.
Next is find what you want to download. Click on the video...Screenshot (203).jpg

In the upper address box, copy...
Screenshot (204).jpg

Open up YTD Video Downloader (if not opened already) and move your mouse across the empty Download box and then click the red Download.Screenshot (205).jpg

Next, the Activity tab will open and you'll see the progress bar.Screenshot (207).jpg

Ok, here if you haven't set up what you want to do with the video is to Right Click on your recent video and convert to, example...Delete original file after conversion - Convert video to, MP3 - Conversion quality, High - and set up where you want your files to go.
Screenshot (208).jpg

There you go. I file my songs and videos in my Windows Explorer. Example, created a folder, EPIC June 2017 and dropped my songs for that Month into it. When ready connect to your device, MP3 player, Phone, Tablet ect by wire or Bluetooth move your files to it. Copy-Paste or Drag.
I also keep a copy on my Laptop for backup.
Almost forgot, I enjoy listening to 8+ hours of rain while sleeping. I have downloaded and enjoyed it on my PC with theater speakers just in case I lost the internet at night. SleepDroid Studios - Youtube

Thats it Folks
Take care.


guess everyone knows about this. Will erase if not needed

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