Packing. The Worst part of moving?

in #moving7 years ago

I think the worst part of moving is the packing part. Normally when we have moved we know what day we are moving, but this time we have no clue, as it will depended on the weather so the foundation can be finished and then the set crew getting in there to get it done. And we have ran into I am not sure what it is yet, so I will wait for another post to get into that.

I am trying to get a jump start on the packing. So when everything is finally done, all we have is the kitchen left to pack and a few things from the bedrooms and what clothes we don't pack away. Temperatures have dropped so we can safety pack up the summer clothes. Photo Albums, nick knacks, decor, basically anything we don't need for basic survival is being packed away.



And posting these photos I noticed I need to sweep the floor again, the pain of having 5 animals you are always sweeping floors. Every single room except the kitchen and bathrooms are half packed or nearly half packed. I also have some boxes that need to be loaded up and donated. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate without realizing it. I also have been finding a ton of things that I am like why hasn't someone thrown this away yet? Like seriously am I the only one who ever throws anything out in my house.

Progress is being done slowly but surly. I have to say though being able to pack over a couple of months slowly has saved my back a lot of pain. I am nearly done with all the stuff that isn't necessary to run my home. I plan to finish that up this weekend. So when we get told we will get the keys we can arrange the moving van, and get the last of the stuff packed away.

We are leaving some of our items at the curb when we move. Because we don't want to move them again. Like our couch and loveseat. It is really heavy. I loved it when we bought it, but that love was shorted lived when just over a year later we had to move, and have moved 3 times since. We don't plan to move again, but I hate that furniture mainly because it is so heavy that I can't move it to clean under it. So we are leaving it behind.

We haven't decided what furniture we are going to get yet, but it will be smaller than what we have now, it will not have reclining seats either like the seat we have now does. It will be easier to move to clean under and behind it. I found a few pieces that will work at a couple of places but it still isn't what I really want. I am afraid they don't make what I am looking for anymore. So I might end up settling.



Ahhh...moving. Yes, packing is so much work! I think the kitchen is the worst! It seems that no matter how many boxes you pack, or stuff you throw out, there is always one more cup, one more piece of tupperware. Good luck. All the best to you in your new adventure :)

Good luck with your move... I don't have to move ever again if I don't want to... I hate moving...

I hate moving too, but it is the packing and sorting what we no longer want that seem to be the most time consuming and somehow not only does it feel like I am the only one that throws anything away. I also think I am pack at least 90% of the house when we do move. The bright side another child flew the coup, though she still has some stuff here that we will keep for her till she is out of college, she has been home two nights since June, as she lives in the dorms and during the summer she is working for her grandma and staying with her. So we have less stuff to move this time. The down side is now we also have one less set of hands to help.

Ive got 4 full time kiddos.. i made them pack their stuff.. it was more of a mess un packing because they packed garbage n broken toys lol

Most of mine are grown we are down to one left at home and he turns 18 in December and graduates this coming May, so soon we will have an empty nest, so the goal is to also downsize and get rid of some of the crap

it is already too cold here but the neighborhood we live in has a reputation for being a bad area. and it isn't in our neighborhood but about a block over that neighborhood has had at least 6 drive by shootings in the last 4 years that we have lived over this way. So no one comes to our rummage sales. I do better listing stuff on eBay or on the rummage sale sites on facebook. But I don't even want to mess with that, I just want stuff gone.

now our new location will rock for Rummage Sales it is in a really nice area close to a State Park. But I don't want to move most of it so I will be donating it and curb alerting the furniture I no longer want.

Aww I haven't tried moving yet but we gonna move soon. I know it's very tiring especially if you have a lot of stuff. Goodluck and always take care of yourself and family. Hugs and kisses. 😘🤗


Packing is just like that because you know you still have to unpack them very soon.

the unpacking is the easy part

I think the worst part is actually the unpacking. You get to the new place and it's all nice and clean but you still have boxes to open and do something with...

Progress is being done slowly but surly.

I hate it when progress gets surly! It should always be friendly or at least even tempered.

because of all the bending required and my back issues I swear it is surly.

I remember this horror movie when I was forced to move to Canada to study there. I had to learn so much about moving, and it wasn't even about the paperwork. It was a nightmare. I felt like my stuff would never run out. By the time I had unpacked, it was time to go back. I found a Self-Survey app to estimate my volume correctly and ordered a shipping service (check over here If you compare this company to anything else, it is second to none. And I'd rather wash the floor multiple times than pack boxes. There's no way I'll do it a second time on my own.

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