Mark Roemer Shares Tips on Moving with Children

in #moving5 years ago (edited)



Moving into a new town or city is like opening a new chapter in your life. You don’t know how the story will progress and every little thing can surprise you. Needless to say, that the transition is never easy, especially if you have children. Our guest, Mark Roemer has found himself in such situations countless times because of his father’s job.

In this article, he will detail how to cope with the change and make the transition a little easier for both yourself and your kids.

The Tips here are some tips on moving with children -

  1. Have a family meeting - You must make sure that they understand the magnitude of change that is about to occur. Moving into a new town means that they must adjust to a completely new environment, cope up with a new schedule, study in a different school, and make new friends. It may also prevent them from being able to communicate with their old friends. All this can be incredibly hard on your kids and it is not fair to them.

So, you must listen to their concerns and let them know why it is necessary to move. You can even share your personal experience of moving into a new town if you have one. Let them know how to cope with the change and encourage them to stay strong.

  1. Involve them in the decision-making process - If your kids are old enough, try to involve them in the decision-making process. If you have a list of houses to select from, show them the pictures of the houses and ask which one they would like to live in. Better yet, take them with you one your visit if you can.

Ask them what color their rooms should be or which school in the neighborhood they would like to study in. Decide with them which items they want to keep or pack, and which items you can forego.

When you allow your kids to actively participate in the decision-making process, it helps them to understand that we really care about them and they do have a say in this whole procedure. It can help them to cope with the change, relieve some stress or even make them feel happy.

  1. Communicate with them properly - When you move into a new neighborhood, you can face difficulties that you cannot even imagine right now. It is the same for your kids. They may have some problems making new friends or adjusting to the new routine. Don’t wait for your kids to open up and let you know of the difficulties they are facing.

If your kid is an introvert, you may never know what they are going through. As a result, they might fall into a form of depression. So, it is your responsibility as a parent to communicate with them, figure out if they are facing any problems and solve them before they turn worse.

  1. Set a routine - It is easier to cope with changes if you set and follow a strict routine. A routine will allow your kids to function properly amidst the change and help them to keep calm.

Mark Roemer believes that having a positive attitude is essential to survive any change and even thrive in it. So, when you move into a new city or town with your children, be sure to adopt a positive attitude and instill the same in them.

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