Moving My Hosts

in #moving6 years ago

I have been very satisfied with IXWebhosting for years now. I have no idea how long I have been with them, but I started my first site in 1997 and it very well could have been with them.

Suddenly, because of service problems, I found out they sold to Site5. It has been trouble since. In Site5's defense, they are responsive, but not very good at resolving my issues. After a ton of back and forth, they finally realized they just need to reset the cache from their end.

Well, these things happen, so I can look past it, but it is time for a new host anyway.

After a ton of looking at reviews and thinking about what I really need, I settled on Hostinger. It is an interesting shared hosting company that specializes in cheap shared hosting. Cheap is not my goal. I'm quite willing to pay for a good product, especially for hosting my website that I am trying very hard to build into something substantial. They also take Bitcoin!

That is cool, so now I am completely crypto funded. Self funded, really. What I mean by that is that I used crypto earned through the site donations to pay for the hosting. Kick Ass!!

This is probably going to take a while, so I really hope it doesn't effect my publishing. I have over a dozen subdomains on alone and a few on some other domains. I will be setting up SSL certs, backing up the the site on Site5, downloading and re-uploading everything one domain and subdomain at a time. Then changing domain servers over to the new host.

I'm not exactly a novice at this sort of thing, but something will inevitably go wrong somewhere.

Wish me luck!


Wish me luck!

Staying with the theatric tradition of not jynxing let me just say break a leg! 😎

lol. Right on. I'll take it!

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