Perfect reviews of perfect movies: (M)uchenik (The Student) (2016) - A serious take on religious fanatism

in #movies7 years ago

I got a recommendation to watch (M)uchenik (The Student) because it was basically a movie about one person I know (more about that later). What can I say? It is a splendid piece of art by a Russian director Kirill Serebrennikov. However, if you don't like watching dark and realistic dramas, skip this one as it might seem quite depressing to you. Others - go on and watch (M)uchenik now!


I am not a big expert on Russian cinema, but I enjoy their movies once in a while. They have some sort of dramatism which cannot be faked by any cameras. I mean, just watch movies like Stalker, The Island, or The Shooting Party, and you will understand. Of course, that might only be my opinion because I am from Lithuania and it is undeniable that big part of Lithuanian culture was influenced by the Soviets. Anyway, I wouldn't dare to place (M)uchenik on the same shelter as movies I mentioned before, but it is definitely close, especially when I can relate to it so much!

The Plot

Veniamin Yuzhin (Pyotr Skvortsov), a high school student, becomes a religious fanatic who tries to convince people that they are evil and should change the way they live. Of course, this obsession leads to many problems as Veniamin becomes uncontrollable and starts acting more and more irrational. Most of the people around him simply ignore him or label him as a strange teenager who cannot handle his puberty. However, there is this one teacher Elena Krasnova (Viktoriya Isakova), who tries to understand Veniamin's intentions and mind. Sadly, sometimes there is nothing to understand except the fact that a person needs some serious help from the professionals.

Anyway, Veniamin lives his life quoting Bible instead of speaking his own words and even worse, he only quotes those bad parts, which suggests that many people must die or get sacrificed. The tension builds little by little and everyone around Veniamin becomes more imbalanced every day up until Veniamin crosses all the possible lines and...

Yup - you'll have to watch it. Believe, it is worth it.

My thoughts


Before I start, I must say that I know one person who is exactly like Veniamin starting from his appearance and finishing with his behavior and religious fanatism. Gladly, that person is not yet lost to evil. Sadly, he is not going the right direction at the moment, and I would not be surprised to see Veniamin's story unfolding in front of my eyes (hopefully, it won't happen).

  1. Radicalism and fanatism of any kind can only bring bad things and destruction! Look at all the characters of the movie - they all got destroyed by life because of their short sighted attitude. Even Elena Krasnova, the "modern" and open teacher, was nothing more than a radical of her own opinion. And once again - fanatism is the root of so many problems, so don't (be) do that!

  2. People ignore problems before it is too late to solve the and when it is too late to solve them, they say something like "Who could have guessed this would happen?"

  3. There must be some religious propaganda spreading organization which tries to ruin lives of many people because the guy from the movie acts EXACTLY the same as the person I know. I don't believe in coincidence, especially when I see everything with my own eyes, so I must conclude that someone is always ready to deceive the weak ones.

  4. As ignorant as that may sound, Veniamin (and real versions of him) cannot be judged and diminished. After all, he was just a sick(!) person who needed help and treatment but did not get it on the right time. The only difference is that his sickness was mental instead of physical. And I still believe that people are either too stupid or too scared to openly talk about mental issues.

  5. Everyone in life is full of shit which they have to flush in order to make the best out of life. Sadly, some sewerages cannot take the heavy load.

  6. If you believe that people like Veniamin do not exist, I must tell you that I talked with one a couple of weeks ago. He quoted the same stuff and talked in the same manner. And of course, it was more or less impossible to throw some logical arguments which would show him that nothing is only black and white and that Bible is not the only source of truth (it is definitely one of them, tho).

  7. No action is good or bad on its own - it is the situation that defines everything. For instance, killing is the act of evil most of the time, but there are situations when it is the only right thing to do.

  8. When people cannot answer your question and simply say "You have to believe," please, never believe those people. I mean, if it was true why there are no practical examples after all these years? You know what I mean?

  9. The only way (at least of what I know) to fight a psychopath is to agree with all their ideas to make them calm and run away as fast as possible after they lose their grounds. Being a hero is important, but most of the time it can only bring more problems.

  10. We always think that our family/friends cannot do any damage to us because "I have known him since birth and he was always so nice." Believe me; people change so always stay open to what you see - if a person you love threatens to kill you, he/she might do it. People. Do. Change.

  11. The actors, especially Pyotr Skvortsov, did a great job!



great words i like it

This was a good and informative review, I must admit. good job on that, but despite that this is one of those movies I will pass on watching.
Perhabs it works alot better for you as you have a friend that is "alike" which automaticly makes you more curious. I would watch it if I were in same position most likely.

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