MOVIE REVIEW: "Soul Surfer" (2011)

in #movies5 years ago (edited)


Synopsis: Teenager Bethany Hamilton has a natural surfing talent and transforms her life after losing her left arm due to a shark attack. Encouraged by her parents' love and refusing to give up, Bethany returns to the world of competition when she recovers from the accident, but doubts about her future disturb her.

When a personal tragedy that had everything to interfere with the consolidation of a dream is overcome by an overwhelming desire to win, it is a sign that the dream was indeed true and was destined to happen. Few people can say that they have had such an experience in their lives, and in this movie, the story of one of these people is portrayed... A young woman who felt in the high immersive and revealing skin that was able to change her soul.


The script is based on the real drama of a girl who was already a recognized professional surfer at thirteen and had to learn to deal with the conflicts that came with an unexpected shark attack. After she loses one arm, she closes for sport and can no longer see herself entering the sea to do what she likes most: surfing. This is the main point of the story, guiding the viewer on a journey where courage and overcoming are the main fuels.

A spiral of feelings is explored during the narrative, and as much as some of its approaches are tacky and cliché-laden (alternating between good and bad times. Generating a mix that is sometimes a little cumbersome), the end result is very This is positive because history conveys - with cohesion and a very good clarity of ideas - its strongest message from the start: no obstacle can destroy your dreams as long as you really want to make them come true.

Hollywood Reporter

Finding in the family support the help she needs to overcome the problem (everyone mobilizes in various ways to try to change the girl's reality), the young protagonist who initially - and for obvious reasons - is full of uncertainty about her future, will feeding on a lot of strength, willpower and determination to go back to practicing the sport that motivates you to be an ever better person. Once again, cinema finds in a particular type of sport an important tool for personal and social transformation.

AnnaSophia Robb competently heads the good cast, and the presence of Helen Hunt and Dennis Quaid helps to better channel the full force of the story in one direction. At this point, Robb's acting gets more prominent because she ends up being helped by the rest of the castmates (because her acting just isn't so strong to support the whole movie... that even though it's a drama of hers, she needs other characters. to be better constructed) and the story becomes even more relevant because in some ways the drama is sometimes too inert and does not plunge into its complexity.

Cineteca Alameda

Within this field, the weight of the story and the dynamics of surfing was quite satisfactory because as the drama unfolds, the sport gains an increasingly important space and becomes the essential connecting point that links all the narratives arguments of the plot (in and out of the water), showing the importance not only of this modality itself, but of any other that happens to be the reason of desire of so many other people determined to be sportsmen.

Although the production is not as neat, photography needs to be highlighted because this element is largely responsible for exploiting all the visual potential that presents the narrative - and viewers - with great landscapes and various immersive moments as they dive into provocative and intimidating interiors. waves that practically become an extra character that gains more recognition over the course of projection.

Minha Visão do Cinema

Directed by Sean McNamara with a very personal (but sometimes slightly confusing) look that reflects directly on his good work, Soul Surfer is one of those films with a beautiful, inspirational story that has a high power of reflection... Surely this movie will arouse in you some pertinent questions about the importance and truth that exists in your dreams.

MOVIE URL: Soul Surfer

MY RATING: AA (8,0/10)

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