Why the Fuck Should I Watch YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE?

in #movies6 years ago

Why the fuck should you watch “You Were Never Really Here”?
• Joaquin Phoenix is in his element as the animalistic, raw, and deeply traumatized hitman Joe.
• Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood’s score makes you feel uneasy and disrupted, and a little bit amazed. The marvelous “Phantom Tread” and now this — Greenwood is on fire!
• The sound design depicts NY and Joe’s life truly claustrophobic, harshly threatening.
• It’s just brutal in its restrained and stylized way.

1$_AW_[32649] You Were Never Really Here.jpg
Source: http://www.studiocanalpress.co.uk

The movie’s protagonist Joe doesn’t fuck around. He is a hired gun, who prefers hammer as the tool of his trade. The unmoral and corruptive New York is his workspace, where scarred Joe wipes out the players of sex trade. He is not your average Joe. As a veteran and an ex-agent he has seen a lot of shit. And by a lot I mean an amount that would successfully pull him under water if he would try to swim. Ant that is exactly the thing he is set to do. In a metaphorical sense, or whatever.

So, if you want to see Joe running bloody errands and dealing emotionally with his fucked past that bursts out wherever he goes, this is the movie for you. But be aware, you have to deal with a lot of dull stuff as well as absorbingly stylish and different visuals on the way. This is no typical hitman movie.

Why the fuck you shouldn’t watch “You Were Never Really Here”?
• The plot digs deep into Joe’s mind, but fails to absorb storywise. It kicks you in the gut, but leaves you lying, while Phoenix walks a way in a bearlike manner.
• You may be left thinking, why the fuck I watched this bleak and dim piece of raw filmmaking.
• You want to see visible and explicit violence, but the film makes you envision it by yourself.


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