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RE: ADSactly Entertainment - Lessons From Movies #15

in #movies6 years ago

From a celluloid screen to reality. The things shown on movies are all material and fake set up. Done only with the purpose of pulling the audiences. If you aare a smarter person, you do not get attracted towards those show off and all fake stunts. But in case your jist opposite personality those fake things attracts you.
Already these celluloid world have spoil the new generation , from costumes to talking style everything have taken effect only by following the fame material show off. People need to understand that these movie are only for entertainment and not to adapt in reality.

Need to live and see the real world.


Posted using Partiko Android


Actually, the scenes were shot with professional extreme sports athletes. Everything that happened in the movie was recorded by the crew; there were real people that pulled off those stunts. But, regardless, the idea of the whole post was not the stunts but the lessons you can take out from them and the rest of the movie.

I see it from a different angle...people get highly unfluenced with the professional makeover ans try to recreate in real life..thereby spoiling everything

Posted using Partiko Android

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