Hollywood Roboticist Annika O'Brien is Joining Steemit (Video Interview)

in #movies8 years ago (edited)

Annika designs and builds robots for the movies as well as for clearing landmines with her company, Symbiobotics. She resisted getting into bitcoin but now that Steemit has bypassed the awkward barriers to entry, she's decided to join us here and embrace the cryptocurrency revolution!


Capitalist rat.

Awesome! How can steemit support this effort?

support = votes.
Life is simple here :)

Freaking awesome, right?

amazing system

81 upvotes on Steemit = 36 actual views on Youtube! Wow! It makes you wonder how sustainable all of this is. Anyway keep up the good work and go with the flow. As long as it lasts keep on doing what you are doing. I hear you have a really cool guest on your next show by the name of "Meister" or something like that :) For those interested here is my latest Steemit post: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@bitcoinmeister/bitcoin-is-the-protest-vote-that-will-help-free-us-from-the-government-dominated-financial-system

Yeah man! I'll be posting that one today as well :)

really i didnt know that

I love her!!
Damn. Every day there is more good news here. Steemit is evolving at an impressive rate. Exciting to be part of all this.

Indeed. So much, so fast!

Now we just need a way to explain to the monkey why steem is better than a banana

lol I wonder what comes next? What currency will networked cyborgs use?

Why don't you ask one of us? Cyborgs already exist. I would guess in the future it will make more sense to barter with energy and materials, so the monkey thinking of gold is wrong only in that gold isn't actually that useful for much, just rare.

I know her, she's a cool chick.

She will definitely add value to Steemit.

I think implying that someone who builds robotics for a living couldn't get over bitcoin's "barrier-to-entry" is a little rich.

Implying? She said so herself in the interview. Not that she couldn't but that she didn't want to.

Very nice...We are growing at a very fast rate! Awesome:)

Awesome work! Love the humanitarian work that you are furthering with your robotics work. Robots, drones and similar are really a lot more valuable doing humanitarian work rather than spreading political ideology around the world.
If you ever want to do animations about your robots or vfx in any of your upcoming videos, feel free to get in touch and I could help suggest ideas or styles. I'm do motion graphics professionally...so always looking to help people out.


Well I might take soon the film is about Steemit ! - Everyone love Steemit ツ

Everyone love Steemit ツ

How could you not? :)

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