My top Favorite Movies of the Past 2017

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

Soooo let me introduce myself a second time, my name is nava and i studying to be a filmmaker, always have been big on this medium and have become more or less niche or like my GF says a snob in movies, so i will write my top favorite movies of the past year to see if you are a snob or she is wrong? (she is never wrong tho.)

Lets begin with the list in no specific order:


A Ghost Story

David Lawrey knocked over the park with this one, Casey Affleck (Manchester by the Sea (2016)) and Rooney Mara (Carol(2015),The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(2011)) stars in a little movie, with a really good time and world construction, that will put the question "what matters to you" in the table. It stars really really slow but after that famous pie eating scene will become a ride beyond anyone expectations. I strongly recommend this one if you love someone, or movies in general.


Blade Runner 2049

Denis Villeneuve (Arrival(2016),Sicario(2015)) created one of the most talked films of the year that paradoxically almost nobody went to see it, it is the sequel of ofcourse the cult film Blade Runner (1982). It could have tanked in the box office but is not short of a amazing movie and one of those better sequels that don't feel like a rehash of the same idea. Ryan Gosling (Drive(2011)) is the new blade runner K, studying a simple case that goes south, it will ask the question what makes humanity, memories? your choices? rejoice at that DP Roger Deakins (Skyfall(2012),Sicario(2015)) cinematography because you are in with K for eye candy. Recommended for the fans of the original movie, and science fictions fans.


The Killing of a Sacred Deer

The director of this one is a special one, Yorgos Lanthimos created surreal pieces like Dogtooth (2011), The Lobster (2015) both amazing movies, Dark comedies that hit hard. Collin Farrell and the still beautiful Nicole Kidman star in this intriguing thriller dark comedy that will make you feel uncomfortable since frame 1, but it also was the longest straight laugh i had in a film. Everyone in here is fantastic, with an air of Stanley Kubrick it was definitely one of the better ones of the year, it earned a Cannes nomination for something. Recommended if you saw and liked one of the other films of the director, and if you want to see something different.

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Atomic Blonde

The previous film of the director was the massive fan favorite John Wick (2014), even if John Wick 2 was also in 2017 i choose this one over that one because its a new franchise, i'm not saying is a better movie just stuck with me way more that JW2. Academy award winner Charlize Theron (Mad Max: Fury Road(2015)) is the sexy, bisexual, atomic Lorraine Broughton spy for the MI6, she will need to go to soviet russia and fight her way through many plot points, the is a Stalker (1979) feel and even shows piece of the science fiction masterpiece. The movie shines most at the way it delivers action, strong, hard, bold and long, you will need more of it after its done. Highly recommended for Everyone

Almost finishing here i swear

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Baby Driver (2017)

Edgar Wright proved himself to be worthy of being a good director after failing film school twice. It has created massive cult following creating one of the movies that succeeded in the box office that isn't a sequel, reboot or rehash. He was influenced on the Driver genre, with movies like Le Samouraï (1967), and The Driver (1978) and bumping the concept with the idea of a music driven movie (literally). If you can pass the Kevin Spacey horrible thing, you should see this movie ASAP.

And Finally

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The final Film of the Hugh Jackman saga playing Logan, this film have a special place on my heart, logan was my favorite X Men since that song catchy cartoon (you have it in your head now m8) and it was a long travessy, with ups and downs with the character. it haves a perfect closure to All the characters that you loved. This films plays like a Western not like a super hero thingy, may be why i love it so much. watch it if you haven't already. here i leave the trailer so you too can hear Hurt by Johnny Cash

that's all folks, hope you like it and see the ones that you haven't. Film is something i love and take it personally. If you like it please follow i will post more films as a watch

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