Should There Be A Pirates of the Caribbean 6?

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

Hey movie marauders! The 5th installment of Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Men Tell No Tales, was released on May 26, 2017. It got a Rotten Tomatoes score of 29%, and made $138 million domestically (its budget was $230 million). This film was supposed to be the final one of the franchise. However, one of the producers said they would do a 6th movie  if Johnny Depp, the fans, and Disney really wanted another Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Orlando Bloom even said another movie would be possible. [SPOILER] The end credits scene in Dead Men Tell No Tales showed that Davy Jones is still alive. This is a great opening to make a 6th installment [END SPOILER]. This franchise could potentially go on forever (just saying). Would there be another one? Probably. Fans love these movies (even though they are badly rated) and Disney loves making money. I could see another Pirates movie being made, but it would have to be as good as or even better than the 1st movie, The Curse of the Black Pearl. The question is SHOULD there be 6th movie?

If you say YES:

If you say YES, this is because you love watching Jack Sparrow and an almost 3 hour adventure through the world of Pirates of the Caribbean. Well, I do to. While watching the movie I understand the whole plot and what is going on, but after I watch it I forget the whole movie (except that I liked it). If a sixth movie is made, it has to have an adventure that I don't forget. I remember the 1st movie, but the rest of them just blend together. I love watching Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth, and Will.

I would like to see them all in a 6th Pirates movies. Pirates has a lot of potential, it just has to be executed correctly. The first Pirates movie got a 79% on Rotten Tomatoes (certified fresh). The second (Dead Man's Chest) got a rotten score of 54%. The third (At World's End) got a rotten score of 45%, and the fourth (On Stranger Tides) got a rotten score of 32%. Rotten Tomatoes doesn't dictate how good a movie is (everyone has their own opinion of course), but it does show how each installment got lower and lower in ratings. I will say YES to another if it will just have a better story and not just focus on the special effects (On Stranger Tides is the most expensive movie ever made, At World's End is the 2nd most expensive).

If you say NO:

If you say NO, this is because you can't stand another super long movie about a mediocre story. Also, after you watch the movie you say "What was it even about?" or "A pirate's life isn't for me." All you remember is Jack Sparrow, rum, and "savvy." I understand you. The Pirates movies haven't been the best, but they have made a lot of money. You just don't see the point in wasting time and effort to create a movie that really isn't that good. (I mean how many movies can you make off of a theme park ride?) That is a very valid point. Also, [SPOILER] Dead Men Tell No Tales solved everyone's problems. (Elizabeth and Will are together again, Jack Sparrow is Captain of the Black Pearl again, and Will and Elizabeth's son is all grown up)[END SPOILER].

Plus, you were told that the 5th movie was the conclusion. (why would they go back and make another if the whole point of the 5th movie was to tie up loose ends and conclude the franchise?) Only time will tell if another movie is in the works. But for now, enjoy the bliss of knowing these bleh movies are done with.

What does movie marauder think?


I think there shoudln't be another movie. [SPOILER] All the characters are happy and the 5th was a satisfying ending [END SPOILER]. If they do decide to create a 6th movie, it has to have a story that isn't ridiculously long.

Want to see the post credits scene in Dead Men Tell No Tales? Click the video below!!!!

Don't forget to follow @moviemarauder for more content like this everyday!!

*Comment below if you think there SHOULD/SHOULD'NT be a 6th Pirates of the Caribbean!*

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