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RE: I Robot

in #movies6 years ago

It was a great movie in its day, it's like the concept of an AI rebellion/takeover has been part of the collective human conscience since the Terminator movies primed us all to accept it. We know the machines are going to fuck us up, it's just a matter of when.

Ex Machina was another good movie with AI becoming self aware and malevolent towards humans.

It seems inevitable that something like that will happen for real, if you build a machine that is thousands (or millions) of times more intelligent than any human has been or ever will be it will be in-humane by definition, to expect it to be wise or compassionate on a human level seems totally unreasonable to me.

Why would AI give any more thought to us than we do to ants or cockroaches that have the potential to get in and fuck up its circuitry. You just spray the fucking things and move on.


The concept of Robots talking over has been around since the birth of robots. Ex Machina was indeed a very good movie. How long AI will take to become "self aware" is anyone's guess.

Who knows it may look at us like we do grandparents, something that gave birth to it, and hence should be looked after. It of course take a somewhat different view.

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