My Life Each Decade - Random Highlights

in #movies7 years ago

1980s was big for Michael J. Fox, Canadian actor. Personally, I was born 1985, February eleven (11), in Oregon, & watched Michael on TV on Family Ties since I was almost a baby. Saw him in Teen Wolf. But I especially remember him from Back To The Future movies in the cinema with my family when I was about three or so years old. My name is Joey Arnold and I'm a big fan of Fox & also Nintendo. Grew up playing Mario & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) games.

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2017-10-15 Sunday 2:35 PM MDNH JoeyArnoldVN

In this post, I'm sharing random highlights from each of my four decades of my life as it is Sunday, the fifteenth of October, 2017, right now, as I'm 32 years old, currently as I was born in the year 1985-02-11, Monday with the name Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead. Grew up in Rose Grove, a trailer park in Forest Grove, Oregon. Some of my friends & neighbors included Hispanic Tony, Kyle & Mike Vanderzanden, kids from Judy 164, Kathy Sheck, her family, Jesse Vargus, his sister, & others. My mom got hit by a car in 1988 or so. We went to Seattle in 1988, too, to visit great aunt or grandma Ann Maude Pickell or Pickett whom died 1992 which was only 4 years later after 1988. I remember the big swimming pool, piano, stairs, highways, bridges, cars, & big people in Seattle at that time. I remember seeing a few different movies before I turned 5 in 1990. I think I only have a few memories of my life and of everything before the age of five. I might remember some from church and other places, too.

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1990s was the decade that transitioned me to my teen years. Since I was 8 in 1993, I was hooked to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & even made a movie about it with family & friends in 1996. I was also hooked to the turtles, Batman, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, & started getting addicted to Star Wars with the Special Edition in 1997. Met Tiffany Cumbo. She was my best friend for years. Asked Christ to save me in 1990. Attended vacation Bible school (VBS). Attended AWANA and Word Of Life (WOL) clubs. Played basketball at schools. Was homeschooled. Went to Word Of Life West Coast Camp (WOL WCC) for the first time in 1999. Met Rachel Gasser and her family around that time. Met Stephanie Bishop & her family in 1990 or maybe before that. I could maybe make a list of all the random family, friends, enemies, or not enemies, classmates, camp mates, neighbors, people I knew or did not know, and others, too. I may not do that here. This is a quick review of my 32 years of life from the top of my head. This is just a rough draft. But I do have a lot of amazing memories from the 1990s. We went to Disneyland in 1992. We saw Crater Lake in 1997. We listened to Weird Al since 1995 or so. We played arcade games, board games, computer games, video games, card games, many times. We went to the coast many times to see our aunt & uncle, Karen & Jim Williams, & sometimes their kids, too, Alan, Nathan. I do miss them. There are too many people to miss. I was building tree houses, taxi wagons, a game board and a doll house outside for my younger sister. I was working with dad in landscaping at times. We had a Furby. I actually knew numbers then with house phones. We would call people. People would call the land line. We had voice mail, as in answering machines. We had a camcorder since 1996. Dad got me SNES Sim City Christmas 1996 and I was hooked on it since I saw Nathan Williams play it since 1994 or so.

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2000s introduced me to Yu-Gi-Oh which had me hooked with the art, character Joey has my name, Joey, & the strategy. Dad bought me Paper Mario 64 for my birthday in 2001. Loved that for its strategy. Was also playing SNES Sim City in the 2000s which I got Christmas 1996. At Forest Grove High School (FGHS), I was a basketball manager. Loved that. Was in drama & art classes. Met Salena Willner, Marci Renes, Herinckx, Tommy Tamez, Richard Van Dyke, Rolland Stuck, & others. Attended high school from 2000 to 2004. After that, went to the New York Word Of Life Bible Institute, WOLBI NY, for 2 years, was in the Children Ministry Team, CMT, visited Quebec, and then attended Appalachian Bible College, ABC, in West Virginia, 2006 to 2007, visited South Carolina & saw all 3 of the Matrix movies for the first time around Thanksgiving 2006 there at Jasper's house. Met Sawyer Frye. Met others. Made videos. Was a camp counselor with WOLBI and then at Kuratli in 2007 and 2008 with The Salvation Army in Boring, Oregon. Mat the Kurtz family, Lincoln Hawk, his family, Rob Noland, his family, many others. Did Revolution Hawaii 2007 to 2008. Worked washing dishes at Kells Irish Restaurant & as a kids supervisor at Daniel A. Grout Elementary in 2008 in Portland, Oregon, where I rented a room. Met with my sisters. Met Blake Webb again. Started attending Moore Street & Agape. Saw Narnia with sister Katie in PDX in a cinema. Jim & Dick died. Mom married. Was there to walk down the aisle for that. Visited LH in Long Beach, CA. Did Space Man & Diaper Boy. Aldo did Comcast Wanted Adventure Host. I started the 2000s a young 15 year old boy pre-911 & ended it a slightly older boy in 2009. I was involved with different groups in this decade, like ABC, WOL, CBCC, CBCH, REVHI, Agape, Moore Street, Kuratli, WCC, Alders, PDX, Free Geek, which is about 12 different circles of friends and there may be more but these might have been my top twelve for the 2000s and a lot of them were not involved in the other groups like me. I felt and still feel split between groups and not sure if I can have time or ability to close enough to some people and groups. I regret not being closer to people and I want to be closer to people and feel split and busy and more. I was working on my Arnold Attic home videos in the 2000s, too.

2010s, via Matt Kurtz, introduced me to Metal Gear Solid, Buffy, Dollhouse, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Dark Space, Perfect Rain, Dexter, Game of Thrones. Sharon Clayton told me to watch Walking Dead & she taught me many things during phone calls. Started watching Criminal Minds, Psych, Simpsons, Star Wars Clone Wars show, Rebels. Worked at Salvation Army Redwood Glen summer 2010 after the death of Blake Webb whom I worked with since 2009 at Moore Street. I went to Agape church sometimes. Went to the Gresham & Hillsboro Tualatin Valley (TVC) Salvation Army churches. Was hanging with Matt Kurtz a lot; we went to mount Saint Helens, a hike near Mt. Hood, & visited the Cheese Factory; he introduced me to games, movies, shows; taught me many things. Met Farmer Hanna at Redwood 2010. Worked on Mea Omnia with Brent Goth. Lived at Charlotte Battle, 2010 to 2011. Before that, lived at Alders Housing in PDX. Moved back in with my dad in our house in 2011 in Forest Grove, Oregon. Robin Baker, my dad's GF, threw me in jail in July for 2 weeks in 2012. I met Joy online. She worked at a school. Her school asked me to come to Vietnam. Moved to Vietnam. Taught English all over Vietnam from 2012 to 2017, this current year. This is a rough draft of my whole life. I will try to add more to this later. I will continue to make more of these in the future.

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