Ice Skating

in #movies8 years ago

I rode my bike down Grand River to campus martius to Ice Skate...and to my delighted expectation the rink was full and a good size line to rent skates...not in the wait in line type of mood...I continued my ride to the library...where I checked out a movie...with so many to choose from...I am giddy like a still has that feeling of walking into blockbuster to rent a movie and watch at home...before video generally would only be able to see a feature movie in the theaters.

I remember this because it was a big deal to go to the movies...we would dress up...arrive early to get good seats...and enjoyed the collective ambiance created by the crowd...providing something to talk about afterwards...stimulating the creative and imagination motor systems.

As much as I enjoy watching any movie...the theater provides an atmosphere specifically designed to enhance the Cinema experience...and we were raised and observed theater etiquet...seeing and being chastised by ushers when etiquet was broken. To has the reverence of a cathedral...and respected as such. Yet being allowed to eat or drink to your neighbor...shout at the screen...throw popcorn at the screen...adds to its own unique and Cinema experience...such as the Rocky Horror Picture Show :-)

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