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RE: Horror Movies from the 80s - and why I love (and laugh about) them

in #movies7 years ago

I remember being scared shitless from gremlins when i was a kid... never touched a toy since...

nice long post! :) worth the read


really, any idea how old you were?
I guess you never saw Child's Play then?
Chucky is definitely one of the creepiest dolls ever ;)

hmm i guess i was around 5-8 years old when i first saw gremlins... Chucky haunted me as well. Nope never saw child's play, was born in the 90s haha

5-8 That is young! Not as young as my little brother was though when I watched it with him ;)

I was born at the start of the 80s, so I also saw Child's Play when it was already out for a while... but I watch more older movies than new ones.
Some of my favorites are even from the 1920s or 1930

I might do a write up on favorite old movies one day

it is for me! haha you shouldn't be watching horror films at that age.. wow! those are indeed old, i mean, if we watch it now is it still worth it? the old movies i mean

Watching old(er) movies is definitely worth it. There are so many more good and great older films than there are new ones. The question is, are you able to enjoy them, as a kid from the 90s?

Most of these films are very slow and we live in fast times, where people have very little focus.

During film studies, I learned to watch very old movies, sometimes even without dialogue/ spoken word and just piano music. Movies made before they could record sound with cameras ( before 1930) or Russian, Asian or Swedish movies where almost nothing happened. Where stories weren't being told but shown.

These days, I miss this slowness in cinema. Most movies are way too fast. So fast that you not even see what is happening. It sometimes gives me a headache.

But, even for me - with this film history background - it's tough to be focused long enough to sit through a full movie without a break. We live in a time full of distractions.

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