2 Disney songs that defied the schemes

in #movies6 years ago (edited)



Something characteristic of the Disney movies are their songs. Those of us who grew up watching these films know them all by heart and can sing them backwards and forwards. These animated films have always been recognized for their high musical quality and have been nominated and awarded numerous times in the Oscars.

But do we pay attention to their lyrics? Normally, as children we learn the songs and sing them all the time, but when we are adults and revisit these films, we realize their enormous significance.

I will now give two examples of songs that for me conveyed a strong message and challenged paradigms of censorship and zero underestimation of children, understanding that children's works may contain profound themes that are often mistakenly considered "only" for adults. I don't think it's a coincidence that Stephen Schwartz and Alan Menken (writer and composer, respectively) are the authors of both songs.

1. Savages (Pocahontas, 1995)

In this song, we can appreciate the two sides of the same coin. English settlers and Native American Indians prepare for the battle that will take place at dawn. Each side sings of its enemy and portrays them as monsters. In the end, the song unites them on that common point: because of their skin colour, they see their enemy as "inhuman" and "demons."

Lyrics (Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz):

What can you expect
From filthy little heathens?
Their whole disgusting race is like a curse!

Their skin's a hellish red
They're only good when dead
They're vermin as I said, and worse!

They're savages!

Barely even human

Savages! Savages!

Drive them from our shore!
They're not like you and me
Which means they must be evil
We must sound the drums of war!

They're savages!
Dirty redskin devils!

Now we sound the drums of war!

This is what we feared
The paleface is a demon
The only thing they feel at all is greed

Beneath that milky hide
There's emptiness inside

I wonder if they even bleed
They're savages!

Barely even human

Savages! Savages!

Killers at the core

They're different from us
Which means they can't be trusted

We must sound the drums of war

They're savages!
First we deal with this one
Then we sound the drums of war

Savages! Savages!

Let's go get a few, men!

Savages! Savages!

Now it's up to you, men!

Savages! Savages!
Barely even human!
Now we sound the drums of war!

2. Hellfire (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1996)

This is, perhaps, the most controversial song of all Disney movies. Judge Frollo is the essence of evil: he despises the gypsies (and every human being who is "different") and yearns fervently for their extermination. His (paradoxical) desire for the gypsy Esmeralda makes him confront his faith and his notions of righteousness. This is not, at all, a love song; Frollo's desire for Esmeralda is purely sexual, as he expresses it in his song.

We can see how Frollo victimizes himself and turns to the Virgin Mary, saying that he is a "righteous" man and that he "fights against evil," and he attributes all the blame to Esmeralda because she "bewitched" him. At this point, the audience has already witnessed the evil of this character and knows that everything he says is a lie; thus we understand that his statements are a denial of his true nature, a self-deception.

Lust consumes him and, at the same time, he feels guilty for wanting to possess that which he hates. We see figures that judge him but, in reality, it is he who judges himself. His overwhelmed emotions lead him to an impulsive and terrible decision: he is capable of burning the entire city of Paris so that he can find Esmerada and force her to be his; if she refuses, he will burn her alive.

Lyrics (Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz):

Beata Maria
You know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud

Beata Maria
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd

Then tell me, Maria
Why I see her dancing there
Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul

I feel her, I see her
The sun caught in her raven hair
Is blazing in me out of all control

Like fire
This fire in my skin
This burning
Is turning me to sin

It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
It is the gypsy girl
The witch who sent this flame
It's not my fault
If in God's plan
He made the devil so much
Stronger than a man

Protect me, Maria
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
Destroy Esmeralda
And let her taste the fires of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone

Dark fire
Now gypsy, it's your turn
Choose me or
Your pyre
Be mine or you will burn

God have mercy on her
God have mercy on me
But she will be mine
Or she will burn!


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