Looking for a mind-bending movie: whats your favourite sci fi?

in #movies8 years ago

I'm looking for an intense mind bending movie that I haven't seen to end the day with.

Whats your favourite * Out there* movie?

Hit me up in the comments below!

Image is from star wars battlefront.


The my favorite mind-bending sci-fi is Shutter Island, especially if you are a Leo DiCaprio fan.

Its good, but Ive seen it :)

Any other suggestions?

Have you seen Momento? That's one of my favorites and is told in an interesting way. Also, if you are interested in binge watching a show, there is always greats like Lost and one of my new favorites, Stranger Things.

I heard lost was about the philidelphia experiment / montauk project.

Well mind bending there is Donnie Darco, Momento these do play tricks on the mind.

Havent seen momento. Whats it about?

It is about a guy with lack of short term memory he takes photos and writes everything down to remember. kind of weird and goes in revers order in like 10 minute segments from the end to the beginning of the story.

Sounds good!

Im also looking for any movies that have a similar plot to fight club....in terms of fucked up plot twists

Then watch momento! It is kinda like Donnie Darko fucked up plot twist, and end of the movie you will still have questions that are never completely answered about what is going on, I watched the movie many times and there are just to many lose ends that are alluded to but never closed.

watched it....will definatley have to watch it twice!

Comment to deep replied here, glad you like the movie! I find they are the best kinds that really play tricks on the mind.

Yeah you never know what to think at the end.

2001: A Space Odyssey, of course.

Or 2010

For mind-bending, 2001 is the greater of these two. I found 2010 easier to watch.

Thirteenth Floor

Dark City


Ive only seen dark city....will check out the others!
Followed you.

Thanks, enjoy!

@codydeeds yes Flatliners is brilliant.

serenity !

it's a classic!

Im surprised I havent heard about it!

Odd how they call it a boat instead of a ship

I'm giving a vote for Serenity aswell! If you've got a bit of extra time on your hands, I'd suggest starting with the series FIrefly. It's only one season and the Serenity movie lives at the end of this serie (works as a stand-alone aswell though).

I really liked Sunshine but I am also a huge fan of Danny Boyle
It has a great cast too!

what are those about?

It's about a mission to jumpstart the sun again among other things

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