MovieNews: HBO confirms scary rumors about Game of Thrones

in #movienews6 years ago

HBO has now confirmed that the final season of Game of Thrones will be premiered in 2019


Politics, violence and sex.

Yes, Game of Thrones has it all, which has made it one of the hottest series in the world.

The wait for the final season feels as long as it took White Walkers to reach the wall of the North.

Last summer, when the seventh season ran over the screen, there were murky rumors.
We might have to wait two years (and not one year as usual) before we can see who wins the power of the throne.

Now the creators of the hit series have confirmed the pending rumors in a press release. Game of Thrones official Twitter profile tweeted on thursday night, which made many fans suffer as much as Theon Grayjoy.

The last six episodes of the adventurous tale will first be seen in 2019. The exact date is still unknown.

In October, the recordings for the final season started. They expect that it will last untill August.

While episodes like 'The Red Wedding' and 'Battle of Bastards' harvested roses from all over the world, the latest season got a little criticism.

Now we hope that the people behind the hit series will give themselves enough time and focus, so viewers of HBO's series can get a propper ending.

(photo: digitalspyuk)

There is no doubt that Game of Thrones is a recognized series. They have won all 38. Emmy statues, making it the most winning television series ever.

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Thank you for reading.


I kind of like the idea of movie length episode, should be interesting.

Yes but a loooong wait sadly

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