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RE: Men in Black International Review, Have We Done This Before?

in #movie5 years ago (edited)

They truly messed up making a point of having this film appear to be a SJW fest in the trailers as that turned off a lot of people. Myself included. I wanted to support it in theaters but around here with the time I work a full time job, it was just not possible to catch any cheap viewings. That meant dropping $12 to see it and that was just too much for me at the time it was in theaters.

I watched it on Vudu and used a $6 rental credit I had available from catching one of their specials (watch one of these free movies from this six and get a $6 rental credit). They have them regularly, sometimes it is a $3 general purchase credit as well.

Hyperfocusing on the SJW stuff I can see it now but don't remember it being nearly that bad in the movie. Sure, you got Hemsworth playing a ditz but come on, how many times have blondes worn that membership jacket in cinema? His bungling was not nearly as pronounced as I thought it would be and it is given a somewhat vague explanation in the movie that you have to pay attention to catch. It wasn't just him being a ditz, there was a reason for it.

Molly gets a lot of those "eye moving" opportunities and is generally played as the better agent but it makes sense - she spent 23 years to get here, training, preparing for anything and everything. I was just not impressed with her lack of awe at the situation - at least Smith nailed that in the first movie. Once he saw how deep he was, you could see his face change and his attitude adjusted a bit. We didn't get that with Molly, we got more of a "I was right attitude" and "I deserve to be here". It is not over the top but it is clear that is how she thinks for most of the movie.

Not a deal breaker at all mainly because they did gloss over her working hard to get there. I guess I would have a similar reaction if I spent that long looking for something and found out it was real and I was involved now.

I watched reviews, read reviews, etc for MiB International and they generally turned me off of the movie. I was excited for this one but after a few reviews, I didn't care anymore. I rented it on a whim - this or the new Godzilla movie and I had just spent most of the weekend watching a marathon on a local channel.

It is a shame for fans of the MiB universe though. The ones that will skip this because of the reviews. I am one of those that almost skipped it for good. The movie is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than the second and third ones if that tells anyone anything.

I just hope this is not a Terminator: Genesys event. One where we only get this entry because a major actor/actress in it decides this is not for her so the franchise has to reboot again somehow. I think they have a good foundation going here, especially with the ending they went with that could lead to connections to other films, not just the MiB universe (and considering MiB is a Malibu/Marvel comic property...).

Oh, almost forgot, that rap song with Smith. I agree, it was bad. What made it worse was every radio station played the hell out of it.


dude that is one of the most fantastic responses i have ever read on Steemit. you rock! I never upvote comments anymore but i felt compelled to do so even if i am throwing my SP out the window. Well done!

Thank you, I am honored that you would bestow such a vote on my comment. Seriously, I know what you mean about the SP and such. I have also stopped upvoting comments in favor of upvoting the original content (though technically, comments are original too, just usually shorter).

Again, thank you.

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