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RE: Men in Black International Review, Have We Done This Before?

in #movie5 years ago

I agree with you about MiB being good for a laugh. Sadly, that is something missing, at least for me, with International. There were some laugh out loud moments but they were not nearly as well paced as they were in the first MiB movie. I do want to mention, again for me, MiB 2 and 3 did not have the comedic parts that I loved about the first either.

People want their 15 seconds of fame so they go for the easiest way to that result. Bitching and complaining. It is much easier to complain about something else than it is to create something truly cool and awesome themselves.

The thing is, only a few people have made a career out of complaining and pointing out flaws in the works of others. Sure, there are hundreds of thousands that seem to rise up periodically and have a little bit of success but before long, they are a forgotten afterthought of idiotic comparisons and complaints. The point of their contention though continues on for the next idiot that thinks they know it all to come along and attempt to plan their flag at the top of that summit.

Unfortunately, in our social media "your opinion matters the most" world of today, everyone thinks they have the chops to criticize anything and if you disagree with them you are attacking them or are obviously whatever political party is not in favor in their social groups.

That is the saddest thing about today's focus on social media - there is no debate. Just "you are wrong, I am right" no matter the point of view of anyone involved.


What really annoys me the most is when people review bomb a movie (or game) that they have never seen... Fine, if you see the movie and think it is bad, then give it a bad review... But at least SEE the movie first! All of this stuff gets caught up in the free speech and censorship debate, with some not realising what those concepts really represent.

Pity about the Men in Black series. I had only seen the first one.. And it was really something fresh and novel... I could see that the jokes and the over the top setting would start to get old though...

There is a lot of review bombing going on today. Sadly it is quite clear that they are reviewing the trailer, if that, only.

International feels more like a reboot of the first movie than it should. I mean, at least MiB 2 and 3 got away from the whole "recruit" segment and continued a story line fans were familiar with. I understand to do a continuation without Smith or Jones would require another "recruit" segment, and at least they did it from the angle of a normal person finding them this time. That is the most interesting part of MiB International to me, how she found them and, sadly, it is one of the shortest segments of the overall movie. I would have loved to see more about how she got access to NASA computers and satellites without being caught, how she learned to recognize the traits of a space ship landing/crashing versus false calls of just another meteorite.

Her background just seemed to be glossed over and not really fleshed out, though admittedly, Smith's background in the first movie was not exactly fleshed out all that well either. The setup for his background was much better handled though and it felt believable. It gave a lot of hope to those watching to be more vigilant in paying attention and doing all you can.

MiB International's background for Molly came off more like "break a few laws, do well in school, and generally weird out people at the CIA and FBI in hopes of getting into the "secret" organization.

As with most things like this, the first is usually the most well thought of because it is unique and novel. Everything after it is usually not handled nearly as well, partly because fans aren't able to be fooled twice and also because producers now have a high watermark to hit, or intentionally avoid.

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