in #movie6 years ago

If you are looking for a great tv show, you are in luck. Black mirror is a anthology which are a class of shows difficult to categorize because of the unrelated story lines, highly satirical and also psychological. The problem with anthologies in this case black mirror is that most persons do not actually understand why a series will have totally unrelated episodes, this is why they do not follow through and most people stop after watching a few minutes of the second episodes.
black mirror is a tv show that shows us how technology can be used for good and for mostly bad things also how things can chnage in the nearesr future and few moments from now.
the only thing in black mirror which the creator and writer charlie brooker added that has been found so far in every season is a piece of musical genius written and performed my irma thoms titled anyone who know what love is, the song is quite beautiful and i have listened to it so many times, charlie brooker added the music to create a sense of connection in the series.
i'll implore everyone who has not seen this piece of genius should turn on their netflix and chill with black mirror.MV5BNTEwYzNiMGUtNzRlYS00MTMzLTliNzgtOGUxZGZiNThlNWYwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjYwNDA2MDE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,675,1000_AL_.jpg

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