Is Jurassic World Better Than Jurassic Park?

in #movie7 years ago (edited)

Hello movie marauders! Do you ever wonder if Jurassic World is as good as or even better than Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park came out in 1993, and was the first movie to truly make dinosaurs real on screen. The scene when Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler saw dinosaurs for the first time was breathtaking. I would say that it is one of the best moments in the Jurassic Park series. It was and still is an amazing film about how man cannot play God and decide what lives and dies. Jurassic World came out in 2015 and showed the first successful park. Many people did not like Jurassic World very much, but I thought it was very well done. Let's take a look at everything that went right and wrong in Jurassic World:

Jurassic World-What Went Right 

Jurassic World showcased a theme park filled with all the consumers' needs. This movie starred Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire, the control freak, and Chris Pratt as Owen, the likeable action hero. When Jurassic World created a dinosaur that was too powerful, the whole park became extinct (get it). Jurassic World included enough nostalgia such as the old Jeeps from Jurassic Park and those night vision goggles, even the Jurassic Park banner!  I liked the plot of the movie and how this new theme park was presented. The movie had just enough humor and was able to stand on its own. I would say it is better than Jurassic Park 2 and 3 (and that scene when a dinosaur was yelling for Alan to wake up!). The movie kept me engaged and was a fun adventure to watch.  My favorite scene was the gyrospheres in the valley because it was a really cool attraction and I liked the shot of the Indominus rex staring at Zach and Gray through the glass of the gyrosphere. The acting in the movie was satisfactory. I wouldn't say it was amazing and emotional, but it was decent and did what it needed to do. Jurassic World accomplished what a summer blockbuster should be: entertaining, fun, and good action (and a romantic storyline; of couse). 

Jurassic World-What Went Wrong

Certain parts of Jurassic World were questionable and not very good. For example, the line of "It can camouflage!" was not thought out too well. Another part that didn't make much sense was Claire running in heels from a  Tyrannosaurus rex. I mean that just doesn't seem plausible. Also, how is Masrani the only person on the island that can fly a helicopter?! There has to be someone else besides him who can do it. When Claire talks to Masrani about how the park is doing, it is not very believable that a billionaire wants to spare no expense and not care about how to cut costs. Also, Masrani calls out Dr. Henry Wu for the creation of the Indominus rex, when Masrani literally gave him permission to do whatever he wants (this goes back to the theme in Jurassic Park about man playing God). My least favorite part of the movie was how Zach and Gray was able to fix up the Jurassic Park Jeep. They may have fixed a similar model of the Jurassic Park Jeep, but how did they happen to have all the right tools to fix it in less than one day? Overall, the movie had some flaws, but none of them hurt the movie too badly. 


Jurassic World could get an 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, but Jurassic Park is still the better movie. Jurassic Park withstands time in special effects, acting, and plot. I would say Jurassic World is the second best movie in the Jurassic Park series. Whether you like it or not, Jurassic World 2 will be coming out in 2018. Instead of Colin Trevorrow directing, JA Bayona is taking the reigns. Don't worry, Bryce Dallas Howard won't be wearing heels in the sequel!

Image from Jurassic World 2:

 Box Office comparison of the Jurassic Park movies:

Wanna see the Indominus rex attack the gyrosphere? (has my favorite camera shot in it) Click the video below!

 Don't forget to follow @moviemarauder for more content like this everyday!!  

Comment below anything you want to add about Jurassic World or Jurassic Park!


No way, Jurassic Park is a classic. It made me jump more than Jurassic World.

I think Jurassic World was fantastic and I'd even give it second place in my rankings for the series, but the "Park" is the OG. As a kid when it came out I just remember being blown away.

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