Everything You Need To Know About Disney's Live-Action Beauty And The Beast

in #movie7 years ago (edited)

Hi movie marauders! With the release of the live-action Beauty and the Beast, Disney proves that viewers don't care about watching the same story twice. The "tale as old as time" made more than 1 billion dollars worldwide. Even though the movie was a rehash, it did have some differences that we are going to take a look at:

We all know that Belle is a young woman who wants much more than this provincial life. Emma Watson, who plays Belle, pushed for her character to be more independent. In the 2017 version, Belle is an inventor (she makes a washing machine so she has time to read). This explained how Belle was able to read all day. In the live-action version, we got a look at the Beast before he was transformed. We also got a look at Belle's past, and learn that her mother died from the plague. He also gets his own song "Evermore." "Evermore" isn't the only new song. "Days In The Sun", "How Does A Moment Last Forever", and "Aria" were also added. A new character, Cadenza, (a grand piano played by Stanley Tucci) was put in the movie. The live action version showed Gaston's true colors more than the cartoon did. He tied up Belle's father (Maurice) and was just using LeFou. LeFou is gay in the new version (which created controversy). In the cartoon, Belle and Maurice are locked up by Gaston, and saved by Chip. This was changed in the 2017 version, when they are saved by using Belle's broach to pick the lock. We got to see the romance between the Beast and Belle even more in the live-action movie. Another character who got a romance is Mrs. Potts, who apparently has a husband that lives in Belle's village. Besides being given that beautiful red rose, Beast got a book from the Enchantress that will take you to anywhere you want to go (pretty cool!). The Enchantress was given an actual part in the movie (besides just cursing Beast). In the beginning of the movie where we see the Disney castle logo, a hand is seen picking a rose (the Enchantress). She is also seen when Gaston points out Agathe (the Enchantress) to Belle and she helps Maurice recover to full health after being left in the woods to die by Gaston.

Want to know 17 behind the scenes facts about 2017's Beauty and the Beast? (I know I do!) Then keep reading!

1. Emma Watson wore 1 lb weights on her wrists when practicing for the ballroom dance between Belle and the Beast.

2. Dan Stevens(the Beast) had to wear a very funny outfit for his CGI Beast.

3. Dan Stevens would have to go in a room and redo his performance as Beast to capture his facial expressions.

4. The Beast's real name is Adam.

5. Ryan Gosling turned down playing Beast so he could be in La La Land.

6. Emma Watson turned down the role in La La Land for Beauty and the Beast.

7. Luke Evans(Gaston) wore fake teeth during filming because his teeth made him look like a vampire.

8. Ewan McGregor(Lumiere) was embarassed to wear the motion-capture suit when performing "Be Our Guest" (he had to be completely alone with the filming crew).

10. The filming of Beauty and the Beast was done more than 18 months before its release.

11. Dan Steven's daughter helped design Belle's yellow dress.

12. There is a hidden Mickey on the lock in the stagecoach Belle and Maurice are locked in.

13. The Beast is 6'10".

14. Beauty and the Beast was filmed in the UK and Shepperton Studios.

15. Beauty and the Beast was banned in Kuwait and Alabama because of the gay moment in the film.

16. Beauty and the Beast's teaser trailer was the most viewed ever (91.8 million times in 24 hours).

17. Emma Watson would not wear a corset as part of her costume.

Movie Marauder gives Beauty and the Beast a 90/100

Don't forget to follow @moviemarauder for more content like this everyday!!

Want to watch the scene where Belle and Beast use the enchanted book and go to Paris? Click the video below!

Did I forget anything? Comment below!


I thought they Disney did a great job with the new small twists.. It is very true to the original Animated version and the Set was Spot on. The Castle Characters were all well done.
My only critique would be the CGI or The Beast looked animated.. I would have almost rather a real costume in some instances, nut other than that it was great.
I was even able to watch it with my 4 year old, which did not like the animated version at all so that would considered a WIN for everyone.

Thank you for sharing and for your time!


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