Star Wars Solo Rant

in #movie6 years ago

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This Has To Be Said

I was one of those people that really hated the Last Jedi movie, and I say those people because of how the folks who made this movie has refer to us.

I'm referring to Kathleen Kennedy and director Rian Johnson to be specific, after the backlash from Star Wars fans about the last movie, they said some things that really crossed the line. I'll get to what they said in a moment, well more so in regards to Kathleen Kennedy, as she's the one that is in control of everything.

There are a few they said did that was a compete and utter mismanagement of what is the biggest film franchise in the history of of films. She has wasted the story potential, they had Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia all together and instead of using this to make something beautiful that the fans would love, you basically decided to kill the past. She literally took every character and and destroyed them, everything they stood for and what made them epic characters that the world came to love was thrown away. This was done to push a new character Rey, which was pretty awesome in the Force Awakens until she becomes a Mary Sue in The Last Jedi. Kathleen Kennedy threw out everything that made Star Wars what is was, the legacy, the story continuity, unity of the fans, this was all done because she wanted to change it into something completely different.

Now lets get to the social political agenda that was pretty much the driving force to the last film, and almost dictated how the story had to be written. Both Kathleen and the director have been quoted to have made decisions based solely on gender and race, not because it was good for the story, but because they wanted their personal political ideologies to take center stage. This was all done in the name of diversity, but how can their be any diversity when it is only one ideology pushed throughout this film, a bigoted leftist Hollywood ideology.

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"It really has tarnished my ability to enjoy it to its fullest. You were asking earlier, 'Are you gonna come back?' I don't care anymore, on that level. Because Han Solo is gone, Luke is gone. You just can't get the band back together the way you wanted it to be, and it shouldn't be that way. It is what it is. Rather than being sorry that we can't have more of her, I'm just grateful that we had the time with her that we did." - Mark Hamill

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"Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you." - Yoda

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The only way we as fans of the entire Star Wars universe can in anyway change this, is to boycott this next movie and hopefully get the person in charge fired.

When you go to your favorite coffee shop or the restaurant, the same place you have been going to for the last 30 years, the same place that has made billions from you in revenue over the years. When you are dissatisfied with a new product, and you try telling them you are not happy, and they then turn around and tell you and all the other people that got them there, to got fuck themselves, and that anyone who has a problem is either a racist or a sexist. This is not a company any of us should be supporting, it disgusting. If you love this franchise as much as I do, take a stand against this and don't go watch Solo on opening weekend, they don't deserve your money.

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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I struggle because as much as I was disappointed in some ways with the direction of the last film I did enjoy how it came together in the end. I have been a diehard Star Wars fan since before I can remember. Although I won't be there on the opening weekend I can't wait to see the Solo story told. The reality is, I think we all saw this coming when the franchise was sold off. It gave the ability for the story to be manipulated and altered. I am still shocked that Lucas gave that away.

I enjoyed the last one and hated it, and after thinking about it fro a very long time, I figured out why I liked it, and it was only because of all the great nosalgic things that where there, the familiar face of Luke, lightsabers, Chewie and the Falcon, but that's were it ended. They have cut me deep.

Solo Episode is quite bad, you are not missing anything if you don't want to see that. My score: 3/10

Just have Episode 4, 5, and 6, the animated series such as the Clone Wars, and Rebels, and that's all you need.

Ya the are all aswsome but try and watch the last Jedi, let me what you think about the movie

Good choices (-:

I would throw in episode 1, 2 and 3, because the story was still amazing, regardless of Jar Jar.

Like everybody over the age of 30 this is part of my life. I hate what they did and don't think they can get me back.

I guess it is to be seen whether I see this or not. I so want the answer to be yes...

I mean I personally can't not watch it, but I'm going to try wait as long as possible before I do.

I have been following The Star Wars right from when I was little, it's one of my best movies, but the last Jedi was not really great. Thanks for sharing another wonderful post @morkrock

I'm thinking about going to see a specialist where I can talk about me feelings, and tell the good doctor where Star Wars hurt me.

Haha very funny my friend

I'm a huge star wars fan and I think this movie is just O. K. but they are kinda burning us up, there are too much star wars movies nowadays. They better focus on quality instead of quantity

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