The Dial of Destiny...

in #movielast year


Alright, let's do this.

Spoilers are coming; so, take it or leave it.

There are problems. It's not something to rag on as much as some people have been; but, if you're gonna close the saga of such a beloved character, you've gotta do better than this.

The first twenty minutes were pretty solid. The de-aging worked pretty well for the most part; but, there were times when it looked like a cartoon. Still, it was a solid action sequence that established a few key characters.

Outside of that, there's no getting around the fact that Harrison Ford is old at this point. He's still a star who steals the scene. I don't have a problem with them making a few jokes about his age. I do have a problem with him becoming a depressed, old man, who has aged out of much of his curiosity and sense of adventure. After the first sequence, he was pretty much forced kicking and screaming into action.

I get the desire to write Shia LaBeouf out. He was far from the most popular part of Crystal Skull. The way that they did it was all wrong. They didn't need to kill him off to swap him out for Kathleen Kennedy's girl boss character. It's completely out of character that he would run off and volunteer to fight in Vietnam. It's just a way to make Indy depressed and ready to die just like they did with Luke Skywalker. It's not like it's hard to come up with a reason why a forty-year-old man wouldn't be joined to the hip with his dad. Shia could be off raising his own damn family in another state.

Now, onto the girl boss.

She's just not a likable person. They didn't quite go full Rey with Phobe Waller-Bridge; but, she literally refers to herself as independent, smart, and beautiful. She's not unlikable because she's smart and competent. She's unlikable because she never wastes an opportunity to remind us.

The thing is, the whole saying it rather than showing it thing is constant problem in the movie. What's more, a lot of it still doesn't hold up logically.

Why is Indy the prime suspect in a double murder? Don't know. We'll just tell you.

How does the bad guy get to the right place after girl boss gave him bad intel? Well, he tells us that he's seeing them heading off in one direction rather than the other; but, that's a lot to buy into that he could figure out were to go simply by trotting off in the same direction in the middle of the ocean. Also, if girl boss was the only person who could read the ancient script, why wouldn't she just outright lie to the bad Nazi dude about what it said?

If the dial is what everybody thinks it is, how is it that Indy thinks that this partnership with girl boss is sustainable after he sees her trying to auction it off to the highest bidder. I know that Nazis are notoriously bad guys; but, they aren't the only brand of bad people. If she believes that the dial allows for time travel, and she's willing to sell it to any random dude who would buy it, what makes her trustworthy in the least? I don't care that they tell us that he's Indy's goddaugter. They also tell us that he hasn't seen her in eighteen years, and the first thing that she does after those eighteen years is betray him.

Anyway, eventually Indy takes a bullet to the chest. One moment it looks like she's on death's door, as one might expect of a man of his age with an untreated wound of that severity, then he still manages to parachute out of a crashing plane while holding on to girl boss.

The part that did piss me off was not only that after Indy survived that whole ordeal, he just wanted to lie there and die, it's the added layer that he wanted to die in the past with a bullet in him. It simply seems uncharacteristic. I don't think that any big Indiana Jones fan got a big kick out of him getting punched out by girl boss because she knew better than him.

Basically, a lot of the concerns after Spielberg lost interest in the project were valid. It's not a complete disaster; but, it did seem like a movie that was made by a committee that just wanted to make Kennedy happy.

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