How I Watch Star Wars - Episode I - Droids are Cyborgs

in #movie6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the first episode of "How I Watch Star Wars". 

May the Force be with those of ye whose midi-chlorians hath influenced you to read my commentaries and post your replies to this original Steemit-series of mine in which I describe some of the unorthodox ways that I doth enjoy interpreting the Star Wars movies. Its first episode concerns mine interpretation that all droids in the Star Wars universe are cyborgs. 

By Lannie Brockstein.

Friday, June 8th, 2018

In Episode I, a naked C-3PO said to Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, “Hello, I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations”, which begs the question: Whom are the cyborgs that C-3PO meant?

For decades, I did dismiss the literal meaning of that word, whilst assuming that he must have meant "robot" instead. But upon taking C-3PO at his word, I hath arrived at a different conclusion.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "cyborg" as "a bionic human". In Episode V, Luke Skywalker became a cyborg when he was fitted with a cybernetic hand. In mine own opinion, the reverse must be true regarding droids in the Star Wars universe—that their nervous systems doth consist of living tissue—similar to how the T-800 model in The Terminator movies have skin that is made of flesh and blood. Methinks that C-3PO's organic nervous system doth useth a technology that somehow enables it to suckle upon th'artificial light that is generated from his eye circuits, and that is somewhat similar to the process of photosynthesis which plants use.  

This theory of mine is the way that I doth understand how it is possible for droids in the Star Wars universe to feel pain. After all, neither smartphones, nor websites, nor video game characters can feel any pain, and yet C-3PO and th'other droids are able to.  

In Episode IV and soon after having exited an escape pod in a desert on Tattooine, the down and distraught C-3PO said to R2-D2 that “We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life.” 

In Episode VI and in Jabba’s palace, the upside down EG-6 power droid did scream in pain as its feet were being branded by a burning hot iron. 

Those unhappy scenes are why when I watch Star Wars, I doth perceiveth that it is none other than the droids themselves whom C-3PO meant—that in the Star Wars universe, all droids are cyborgs, though not all cyborgs are droids.

Does whatever design feature it is that enables droids in the Star Wars universe to feel pain also enable them to feel pleasure?

Disclaimer: "How I Watch Star Wars - Episode I - Droids are Cyborgs" is copyright © 2018 Lannie Brockstein. All Rights Reserved. If you would like for others to read it then instead of copying and pasting its full text you can share with them its Steemit-based URL, and I thank you in advance for doing so. If you would like to quote any part of it then you can do so by including mention of my name because I am its author, as well as by including mention of its Steemit-based URL, and I thank you in advance for doing so. 

To my fellow Friends of Star Wars, if you did happen to veritably enjoy this episode of "How I Watch Star Wars" then I ask that you Resteem the word with me that droids are cyborgs, as well as to "follow" my blog at Steemit—that you may keep a lookout for its future episodes.

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