Full Metal Jacket

in #movie6 years ago

War - from recruit to Deployment

War is hell, and it comes across that way in this movie, Stanley Kubrick does another amazing job with the cinematography and sound track. It isn't always easy to watch, but should a war film be easy to watch?

This is set during the Vietnam War, and we follow a group of new recruits through basic training. There Drill instructor only has one goal in mind, that is to make them combat ready, so no time for the niceties.

One of the recruits "Pyle" doesn't seem to be improving, so the Drill Sargent takes a new approach. Each time Pyle messes up the rest of the squad is punished, except of course Pyle. This leads the squad to giving Pyle a party with towels and soap bars. Pyle not only improves after that he becomes one of the better recruits.

After graduating their basic training they receive their assignments, one of the recruits is assigned to Journalism, the others to Infantry. Pyle however, isn't coping with the stress, he takes his rifle to the bathroom, and loads it with live ammunition. The Drill Sargent confronts Pyle, whom shoots him and then turns the gun on himself.

Shortly after the war correspondents are briefed about enemy attacks in the Southern parts of Vietnam. A number of the recruits are reunited in a battle, and secure an area. Once the area is safe the journalists and reporters interview the troops.

While on patrol the squad encounters a sniper whom wounds a number of the troop, not everyone is following orders, which leads to more injuries, and the death of two soldiers. They capture and wound the sniper in the process, it turns out to be a teenage girl. The sniper begs for death as she is mortally wounded, the journalist is given the task of killing her. After which he states that he is no longer afraid, and glad to be alive.

The journey from recruit to seasoned veteran is told quite graphically and it explores the effect that war can have on a person. Quite a good war movie, however, saving private Ryan is better.

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