Tomb Raider (2018) - Film Review - raiding an old franchise

in #movie7 years ago

The area outside the theatre is a literal construction zone. The sound of a rotary hammer drill disturbs an otherwise atmospheric preview of some film about not making a sound or the aliens will get you. It's a Saturday morning and I'm here to observe the filmic rebirth of Lara Croft.

Alicia Vikander plays a young Croft, who we meet amid a sparring match. She loses. She has no money. She rides a bicycle for an uber eats like company in central London, where for once, it isn't raining. These first twenty to thirty minutes do little to flesh out the young Croft, until she decides to sign some paperwork; but can't even handle this simple task without getting distracted by a puzzle.

No one can find her father, and people have stopped accepting money to even try. After connecting a few mysterious dots, Lara ends up in the tomb reserved for her father. There; she finds clues to his whereabouts; and ignores his request to burn all research about Himoko.

This is the only similarly between the Tomb Raider film and the first game in the reboot trilogy on which it is very, incredibly loosely based. Oh, that and it’s set in the same place, and she uses the ship called The Endurance to get there.

There's very little tense stealth; even less transformation into a gun toting, sneaking guerrilla survivor, and just a sense of endless meandering from action sequence to action sequence. Emotionally charged scenes such as Lara’s first kill fall flat, devoid of the shuddering emotional impact with which these moments are depicted in the video game of the same title.

There's not a lot of plot here; and even less real storytelling. It’s a basic film, with some stunts, action; interspersed with moments of understated triumph, transformation and determination.

Ultimately, Tomb Raider sets itself for commercial success. It’s a safe, boring film; which doesn't push the boundaries of story telling as nearly as deeply as Rhianna Pratchett's original; dark, daring and truly evolutionary tale of a young Croft coming to terms with the horrors of man, surviving against all odds, and emerging tough, victorious and even more determined.

It is clear that there will be at least one sequel produced, but with the Croft canon changing so many times since the introduction of various settings and timelines; it’s hard to say whether this will work.

Worth a watch if you're a die-hard, otherwise go play the games. They're much, much better.

2 out of 5 stars.


Where did such a huge waterfall and river gets its water supply from on such a poxy little island? No glacier or lake on a 2km wide island could sustain such a niagara falls monster.

Why was the parachute full of holes given that it was in a perfectly secure bag? Did specific parachute-eating bacteria find a home there?

Where were dozens of adult spiders hiding away in a skull together, no web in sight or reason to be there, strategically speaking?

How did she not die after crashing through about 500 metres of trees at about 60km/h?

How did she jump that 50 metre gaping chasm just because a bit of it started to fall down?

These are the kinds of thoughts my mind wanders to when movies simply don't have the capacity to grip me

They should let a game company write.the story.
The cinematography of the game is awesome.
Plus Jolie did a great job in her films.
Thanks for the review.

Did you end up finding out who Tom Braider was?

Alicia Vikander played the role of Lara Croft. Every other character was incredibly forgettable, and had a woeful performance.

I dunno, the main bad guy, that guy from the Bee Gees, had a pretty good face for stoicism

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